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词汇 中立
例句 In this war, there's no neutral territory.这场战争没有中立的版图。The Constitution is not morally neutral but is based on certain central values.宪法不是道德上的中立,而是以某些中心价值观为基础的。They put a clause in the contract stipulating that the work should be finished by next month.他们在合同中立了一项条款,规定工作应在下月底前完成。You're not getting a neutral, unbiased view on this.在这个问题上你得不到一个中立的、没有偏见的观点。The UN at the moment is still trying to maintain the charade of neutrality.联合国眼下还在努力摆出一副中立的假面孔。They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord.他们希望,为了国家的和谐,他会奉行中立、不偏不倚的政策。The party's new policies show a shift toward the center.该党的新政策转向中立He gives an even-handed account of the current controversy.他对目前的争论给出了中立的报道。They had thrown their neutrality overboard in the crisis.他们在这场危机中丢弃了中立立场。I undertake to preserve a strictly neutral position during this debate.在这次辩论中,我保证恪守中立的立场。The meeting must be at a politically neutral location.这次会议必须在一个政治上中立的地点举行。Let's meet somewhere on neutral territory – say a hotel.我们在中立区域的某个地点会面吧,比如说某家旅馆。He had departed from his prepared testimony, which was considered to be neutral.他已经背离了事先准备好的、被认为是中立的证词。Politically, my parents are betwixt and between. They're neither liberal nor conservative in their views.我父母的政治观点中立,既不是自由党派也不是保守党派。It is impossible to remain a dispassionate observer when faced with such appalling scenes.面对如此可怕的场面时,我们不可能还是一个中立的旁观者。The positive neutrality enjoined on the force has now been overtaken by events.要求武装力量保持积极中立的命令现在已经被一些事件打破了。Sweden isn't likely ever to abandon its traditional neutrality.瑞典永远不可能放弃其传统的中立立场。He pretends to be impartial, but believe me, he knows which side his bread is buttered on.他装出中立的样子,但请相信我,他知道自己应该站在哪一边。This policy may appeal to the party faithful, but will it gain the support of uncommitted voters?这一政策或许能吸引那些忠诚的党员,但它能获得中立选民的支持吗?We need somebody neutral to sort this out.我们需要个中立的人来解决这个问题。The match was to be replayed at a neutral venue.这场比赛将在一个中立的场地重赛。The newspaper is known for its political neutrality.这家报纸以其政治立场中立而闻名。An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.今天公布的一项中立民意测验显示对政府的不满情绪正在上涨。Science and technology are not neutral or value-free but are instruments of political power.科学和技术不是中立的或纯客观的,而是政权的工具。The Red Cross is an organization of impartiality, neutrality, and humanity.红十字会是一个公正、中立和人道的组织。The judge must try to view the dispute neutrally.法官必须尽量中立地评判争端。She abandoned all pretence of neutrality and began to cheer.她放弃所有中立的幌子,开始欢呼。UN membership would destroy his country's cherished neutrality.联合国会员国的身份会损害他的国家所珍视的中立立场。The army has given up any pretence of neutrality in the war.军队已放弃了在战争中的中立伪装。The Russians took a broadly neutral position.俄罗斯采取了大体上中立的立场。The country adopted an official policy of neutrality.这个国家采取了中立的官方政策。Britain had long plighted her word to maintain Belgian integrity and neutrality.英国一直承诺保证比利时的完整和中立Clive decided to adopt a neutral position.克莱夫决定采取中立立场。The British government acted as a neutral observer during the talks.英国政府在会谈中扮演了中立观察员的角色。The Democrats have become a party of the centre.民主党成了中立的党派。




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