例句 |
The probability of winning the lottery is really very low.彩票的中奖几率是非常低的。She drew the winning number/ticket.她抽到中奖号码/中奖票。Peel this label back to see if you have won a prize.撕开这张标签看看你有没有中奖。The money we won made it possible for us to pay off all our debts and make a new start.我们中奖得来的钱让我们偿还了所有的债务,并开始新的生活。After his lottery win, several old friends came crawling out of the woodwork.他抽彩中奖后,他的几个老朋友突然冒了出来。Never in a million years did I believe we could win the lottery.我从不相信我们买的彩票会中奖。Lottery cards have silver panels which you scratch off to see if you have won a prize.彩票上有银色方格,刮去后可看到是否中奖。Millions of people buy lottery tickets, but only a tiny majority ever win anything.无数人购买彩票,但只有极少数人中奖。 |