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词汇 丧命
例句 He had a narrow escape from a tiger.他险些在虎口丧命The first fatalities of the war were civilians.战争中首当其冲丧命的是平民百姓。Thousands of people are killed on our roads every year, yet a majority of us insist on flouting speed limits.我们的马路上每年有成千上万的人丧命,但我们中的大多数人还是坚持无视车速限制的规定。She OD'd on heroin and died.她服用了过量的海洛因而丧命Morgan was killed when he lost control of his car in a curve.摩根的车子拐弯时失控,因而丧命Police say that she died as a result of a single bullet fired at point-blank range.警方说她因近距离中了一枪而丧命He died in a struggle with prison officers less than two months after coming to Britain.来英国不到两个月,他就在一次与狱警的打斗中丧命了。He was cut down in battle.他在战斗中丧命Cholera carried him off that year.那年霍乱使他丧命Many lives are lost through ignorance.许多人由于无知而丧命It was a predictable death for a man who had lived a life of violence.他过这种充满暴力的生活,丧命是意料中的事。Listen, you jerk. A boy almost got killed just now.听着,笨蛋。一个男孩刚才差点丧命All tight rope walkers are daredevils. Any carelessness will result in their death.走钢索的人必然是敢向危险挑战的人,一不小心就会丧命His drinking and drugging will kill him one day.总有一天他会因酗酒和吸毒丧命Both were killed in a fusillade of bullets fired at close range.两人都是在近距离扫射中丧命的。She was killed by a single shot to the head.她被一枪击中头部丧命Thousands of people died during the terrible famine of that year.数以千计的人在那年的可怕饥荒中丧命Methedrine and amphetamine can and will freeze your mind and kill your body.梅太德林和安非他命能够让你失心丧命Six or seven of the passengers were killed in an ambush on the narrowest part of the road.有六七名乘客在最狭窄的一段路上中了埋伏而丧命Her husband died in the accident but she, amazingly, escaped unscathed.她丈夫在那次事故中丧命,但她竟奇迹般地毫发未损。The disease killed huge swathes of the population.这种病使很多人丧命Brand had an uneasy feeling that a false move could forfeit his life.布兰德感到不安,觉得一着走错他就可能丧命To go out after curfew was to risk death.宵禁后出门是去冒丧命的危险。You might have been killed.你本来可能会丧命的。He has not driven since his nearly fatal accident earlier this year.自从今年较早时那次差点儿丧命的车祸之后,他就没有开过车。If you drive while drunk, you could lose your license, but even more to the point , you could kill someone.如果醉酒驾车,你可能会被吊销驾照,但更重要的是,可能会使人丧命He was almost killed when a madman went on a shooting spree at the University of Texas.当一个疯子在得克萨斯大学枪杀众人时,他几乎丧命He nearly got killed.他差点丧命The decision to drive that night nearly cost him his life. 那天晚上开车的决定差点让他丧命But for the actions of a few courageous individuals, we might all have died.要不是那几位勇士奋不顾身,也许我们已全部丧命了。Five sailors were killed when their ship hit a mine.船撞上鱼雷,五名水手丧命Ella nearly died in a road accident.埃拉差点在一场公路交通事故中丧命I don't care if people who drink and drive kill themselves - what worries me is that they might kill someone else.我才不担心那些酒后驾车的人会丧命呢,我担心的是他们可能会撞死别人。I worry that his drug addiction will be the death of him.我担心他会因毒瘾而丧命Emma miscarried and nearly died.埃玛流产了,差点儿丧命




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