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词汇 adjustable
例句 My car has an adjustable steering column.我的车配有可调节的转向柱。Gas cookers are adjustable in height to line up with your kitchen work top.燃气灶的高度可调整,使之与厨房操作台齐平。The seat is adjustable to fit the contours of your back.座位可以调整,以适合背部的曲线。The seats are fully adjustable.座位可以全方位调节。Is the strap on this helmet adjustable?这顶头盔的扣带可以调节吗?The height of the steering wheel is adjustable.方向盘的高度可以调节。A comfortable, adjustable chair is the single most important item for the health of a computer user.一把舒适的可调节的椅子对电脑使用者的健康来说是最要紧的东西。The straps are fully adjustable to fit any size.这些带子可以根据大小随意调整。The bags have adjustable shoulder straps.这些包的肩带可以调整。The heat of the burners is instantly adjustable.火炉的热度可以即时调节。She was clad only in her adjustable duplex corset.她身上只穿着那件可调节大小的双层紧身胸衣。The bag has an adjustable shoulder strap.这个包的肩带可以调整。




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