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词汇 两艘
例句 The two spacecraft rendezvoused above the earth.两艘宇宙飞船在地球上空会合。The nearer of the two barges was perhaps a mile away.两艘驳船中较近的那艘可能有一英里远。The two cruise liners are sister ships.两艘游轮是同一类型的船。A court ordered the seizure of two ships for non-payment of the debt.因未付债款,法庭下令没收两艘船。This weapon was used to disable two Royal Navy battleships.这种武器曾用于摧毁皇家海军两艘战列舰。The two spacecraft will link up in orbit.两艘宇宙飞船将于轨道上对接。The Dutch fleet captured two English ships.荷兰舰队虏获了两艘英国船舰。Both ships are fairly new.两艘船都还比较新。Two frigates have been undergoing sea trials.两艘护卫舰正在海上试航。One battleship was sunk and two were badly damaged in last night's fighting.在昨晚的战斗中一艘战舰被击沉,两艘遭到重创。Two warships escorted the troopship.两艘军舰为运兵船护航。Two navy warships have been sent to the area.两艘海军战舰已被派往该地区。Both landing craft beached in safety.两艘登陆艇都安全上了海滩。The officials also reported that two more ships were apparently heading for Malta.官员们也报告说,又有两艘船显然正往马耳他驶去。Two small ships were sent to scout for information about the enemy.两艘小船被派去搜寻敌人的信息。Two ships struck in mid channel.两艘船在河道中间相撞。For three miles now both yachts have been neck and neck.两艘帆船齐头并进了三英里。Two British ships were sent to intercept the convoy.两艘英国船被派去拦截船队。The two ships' relative positions are the same though they are nautical miles apart.两艘船尽管彼此相距数海里,却处在同样的相对位置上。Two ferries ply between Tripoli and Malta every day.每天有两艘渡船往返于的黎波里和马尔他。Two enemy ships have brazened their way into port.两艘敌舰肆无忌惮地闯入港口。Two aircraft carriers are being scrapped this year.今年有两艘航空母舰要报废。The Japanese navy scored a success only two days after the start of hostilities, by sinking two British battleships.战争开始才两天,日本海军就击沉两艘英国战舰,打了个胜仗。Enemy aircraft sank two battleships.敌机击沉了两艘军舰。The government has decided to decommission two battleships.政府决定让两艘军舰退役。The report says design faults in both the vessels contributed to the tragedy.报告说两艘船存在的设计缺陷也促成了这场悲剧的发生。The two ships were acquired by the navy after the war.战后这两艘船由海军所得。The French impounded two Greenpeace ships off their coast.法国人在其近海扣押了两艘绿色和平组织的船。The submarine sank two ships.潜艇击沉了两艘船。Italy had lost three cruisers and two destroyers.意大利已经损失了三艘巡洋舰和两艘驱逐舰。Two of the ships were blown up while they were still in the harbour.其中两艘船还在海港里的时候就被炸毁了。




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