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词汇 brackets
例句 There are wall brackets in the garage for the rakes and shovels.车库墙上装有放耙子和铲子的支架。The title appears in/within brackets at the top of the page.标题在页面上方的括号里。The comments in brackets are the author's.括号中的评论是作者写的。The club was generally restricted to the upper social brackets.该俱乐部的会员一般局限于社会的上层人士。My annotations appear in square brackets.在方括号里有我给的注解。Full stops, commas, semicolons, question marks and brackets are all different types of punctuation mark.句号、逗号、分号、问号和括号都是不同类型的标点符号。The prices are given in brackets.价格列在括号中。There are two brackets for attachment of the shelf.有两个支架连接这个架子。The words in brackets should be deleted.括号中的字应删除。Expressions are enclosed in brackets.表达式圈在括号里。Fix the beam with the brackets and screws.把横梁用托架和螺丝固定。Some workers are being pushed into higher tax brackets.一些工人正被推入更高的所得税等级。The shelf is held up with two brackets.这个搁板有两个托架支撑着。The numbers outside the curly brackets are the sales figures.大括号外的数字是销售量。The words in square brackets should be deleted.方括号内的单词应该删掉。Any editorial insertions you make should be enclosed in square brackets.编辑时增加的任何内容都必须括在方括号里。The comments in brackets are the author's.括号内的评语是作者的。Last year's sales figures are given in brackets.去年的销售数字放在括弧中。His approach to moral questions brackets off religion.他考虑道德问题时把宗教排除在外。




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