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词汇 bracketed
例句 Women and minors were bracketed together for the legislation.立法时妇女和未成年人被归为一类。The front door is bracketed by tall bushes.前门两侧是高高的灌木。Those two lines should be bracketed.那两行应该用大括号连起来。The two players have often been bracketed together as promising youngsters.这两名选手经常被一起称作后起之秀。The problems were bracketed into groups.问题被分门别类作了归纳。I've bracketed the parts of the text that could be omitted.我已把文章可省略的部分用括号括起来了。Experts have bracketed the two moons with Mars as a potential source of dangerous micro-organisms.专家们将这两个卫星与火星一起归入危险微生物的潜在来源。The Magi, Bramins, and Druids were bracketed together as men of wisdom.东方三博士、婆罗门和德鲁伊特都被视为富有智慧的人。Austrian wine styles are often bracketed with those of northern Germany.人们往往把奥地利葡萄酒的风味与德国北部葡萄酒的风味相提并论。The group are bracketed with Coldplay, Travis, and Starsailor.这个乐队可与酷玩乐队、特拉维斯乐队和星际水手乐队相提并论。All able-bodied men are bracketed as 1-A in the military draft.所有体格健壮的男子被列为一类一级征兵对象。New deep lines bracketed her mouth.她的嘴巴四周新出现了深深的皱纹。Jones and Smith were bracketed in a tie for the first prize.琼斯和史密斯不分胜负,双双获得一等奖。The town will no doubt be bracketed with other notorious racial flashpoints.毫无疑问,该城镇将和其他城市一起被归入声名狼藉的种族冲突爆发点。Arizona has been bracketed with Iowa in the tournament.这次锦标赛,亚利桑那队和艾奥瓦队被编在一组。




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