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词汇 bracing
例句 Socialist party leaders are bracing themselves for defeat.社会党领导人在准备迎接失败。Insurance companies are bracing themselves for an avalanche of claims following the hurricane.保险公司已准备好受理飓风过后接踵而来的索赔。The play is a bracing but utterly faithful interpretation of an American classic.这出戏令人耳目一新,但完全忠实地演绎了一部美国经典作品。The climate is particularly bracing.这种气候特别令人神清气爽。We enjoyed a bracing walk on the beach.我们在沙滩上散步,感到心旷神怡。The town is bracing for a busy tourist season.这个镇子在为旅游旺季做准备。To face unpleasant truth need not be discouraging, but can be bracing.正视严酷事实并不一定使人气馁,反而可能令人振奋。Her honest remarks provided a bracing change from the bland, political commentary.相对那些平庸的、政治化的评论,她坦率的言辞带来一种令人耳目一新的变化。The country is bracing for an outbreak of avian flu.该国正在做准备以应对禽流感的爆发。Hemingway came into the bar almost every morning to read the papers, shoot the breeze with the regulars, and enjoy bracing double daiquiris.海明威几乎每天早上都会走进这家酒吧看报,和熟客闲聊,并喜欢要双份代基里酒。The police are bracing themselves for an outbreak of violence.警察正在做准备以应付突发的暴力事件。There is no restorative like bracing sea air.没有什么比清新的海风更能令人神清气爽了。Hank loved the feel of the bracing sea air against his face.汉克喜欢清爽的海风拂面的感觉。We went out into the bracing air.我们走到外面凉爽的空气中。I was bracing her up, rather than holding her.我是在撑着她,而不是抱着她。The bombs and rockets that began to fall on Afghanistan last week had a bracing effect on Bush and his senior officials.上周开始轰炸阿富汗的炸弹和火箭让布什及其高级官员们精神为之一振。Corporations in general are bracing up for a bad fiscal end.大公司普遍在为应对糟糕的财年底做准备。The bracing supporting the building is perfectly adequate.这幢楼房的支撑结构非常牢固。He stood to attention, bracing his shoulders.他立正站着,肩膀绷紧。Tourists are attracted by the beautiful scenery and bracing mountain climate.游客喜欢那里的美景和清爽的山区气候。




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