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词汇 secretly
例句 They went against their parents’ wishes and got married secretly.他们不顾父母的反对,偷偷地结了婚。They huddled secretly to talk matters over.他们暗中碰头商量事情。Many civilians were secretly killed and buried by soldiers.许多平民被士兵秘密杀害后掩埋了。They were the words she had secretly longed to hear.那些话是她暗中渴望听到的。She was secretly pleased by his comments.她对他的评论暗自感到高兴。The president has accused two cabinet members of working secretly to undermine his position/him.总统指责有两位内阁部长在暗中算计他。Many were secretly praying for a compromise.很多人在暗中祈求和解。I managed secretly to undo a corner of the parcel.我悄悄地设法解开了包裹的一角。She was secretly vetted before she ever undertook any work for me.她在为我工作以前曾受到过秘密考查。It was widely believed that Montagu was secretly pulling the strings behind the prime minister.普遍认为蒙塔古在暗中控制首相。I secretly envied her for her good looks.我暗暗羡慕她姣好的容貌。She had secretly lusted after him for years.她暗恋他多年了。There have been accusations that the prime minister secretly colluded with the leaders of the regime.有人指控首相与该政权的领导人暗中勾结。Several countries have developed nuclear weapons secretly.一些国家已经秘密研制出核武器。His clandestine meetings with PLO officials had been secretly recorded.他和巴勒斯坦解放组织官员的秘密会晤被暗中录了音。We hoped that they would be found safe and uninjured, but secretly we feared the worst.我们希望找到他们时他们安然无恙,但内心却害怕最糟糕的事会发生。She secretly relished the thought of being alone with him.一想起与他单独在一起,她就暗自欢喜。I was secretly relieved when Tony said it was time to turn back.听到托尼说该回去了时我偷偷松了口气。She was secretly rehearsing various amusing ways of telling what had happened.她正在心里默默复述各种各样有趣的说法,以介绍发生的事情。She secretly despises his work.她暗地里瞧不起他的工作。We all secretly marvel at his skill.我们都为他的技能暗自叹服。I was secretly thrilled at the prospect of going there again.我为将要再去那里一次而窃喜。He seemed both abashed and secretly delighted at Dan's gift.收到丹的礼物,他似乎是表面上难为情,而心里却乐开了花。They got married secretly.他们秘密结婚了。He secretly despised his father.他暗地里瞧不起自己的父亲。She took it into her head that I was secretly opposing her.她认为我在暗中反对她。The controversial experiment involved secretly filming a group of children.那个有争议的实验涉及对一群儿童的秘密拍摄。He secretly funnelled credit-card information to counterfeiters.他偷偷地把信用卡信息传递给造假者。They had an engagement to meet secretly after dark.他们约好在天黑后秘密碰头。They were secretly filmed in brothels.他们在妓院遭到了偷拍。He secretly hoped that fate would intervene and save him having to meet her.他暗自希望老天帮忙,别让他碰见她。This was the excitement that she had secretly longed for.这种激动的感觉正是她内心深处所默默渴望的。She secretly admired and envied him.她暗地里对他又羡又妒。The government is secretly running down the troop levels.政府正在暗地里缩减军队规模。She secretly recorded the conversation.她偷偷录下了谈话内容。His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship.他妻子玛丽偷偷地为他报名参加锦标赛。The soldiers were secretly entrained at night.士兵们在晚上秘密地上了火车。Friends secretly smuggled him out of the country.朋友们将他秘密送出了国。So does he respect the press and media, or does he secretly scorn them?他究竟是尊重报社和媒体,还是暗地里蔑视他们?He was secretly delighted by their decision.他为他们的决定暗自高兴。




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