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British Coal is planning to extend its operations in Wales.英国煤炭公司正在计划把业务扩展到威尔士。We are in the process of expanding our operations.我们正处于业务扩展阶段。The company diversified into high-tech sports underwear.公司把业务扩展到了高科技运动内衣领域。Time Warner recently extended its reach to the world's biggest music business.时代华纳公司近来把业务扩展到世界上最大的音乐企业。Now the TV channel is pressing ahead with its expansion.现在电视频道业务扩展势头迅猛。We have plans to expand into the U.S. market.我们有计划把业务扩展到美国市场。He has plans to expand beyond computer consulting to include engineer training.他计划要将公司业务扩展到计算机咨询之外,包括工程培训。 |