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词汇 boys
例句 As the boys went down the path they slipped on the wet leaves.男孩们走在小路上,一滑一滑地踩着湿湿的树叶。A couple of boys were slouched over the table reading magazines.几个男孩低着头趴在桌上看杂志。The boys were in the care of their grandparents.这些男孩都是祖父母在照顾。The boys raided the fridge when they got home from soccer practice.男孩子们足球训练回家后扫荡了冰箱里的食物。A group of other boys were taking the mickey out of him.一群男孩正在取笑他。These boys are whipping tops.这些男孩子正在抽陀螺。He can't cope and dumps his two teenage boys on them to be looked after.他应付不过来,只能将他那两个十多岁的儿子交给他们代为照看。Harry teaches in a boys’ school in Glasgow.哈里在格拉斯哥一所男童学校教书。Both of Myra's sons were hefty, energetic boys.迈拉的两个儿子都高大健壮,精力充沛。She was one of the boys, their equal.她是这些男孩子中的一员,和他们不相上下。Other boys despised him for a coward.其他男孩因他胆小而看不起他。More girls than boys do French at school.在学校学法语的女孩比男孩多。While girls lack confidence, boys often overestimate their abilities.女孩子缺乏信心,而男孩子常高估自己的能力。A group of students stood by and watched the boys fight.一群学生站在一旁看着那些男孩子们打架。The two boys were going at each other like mad dogs.两个男孩像疯狗一样扑向对方。My parents have always been uptight about me dating boys.我和男孩子约会,父母总是很紧张不安的。He had been out drinking with the frat boys.他和一些吵闹无聊的联谊会男孩一起外出喝酒。If he really wants to sell his product, he'll have to get his marketing boys to sharpen up.如果他真想卖出产品,就要让市场人员变得更机敏。He wanted to go to dance classes, but he was afraid the other boys would call him a sissy.他想去上舞蹈班,但又怕其他男孩会说他女里女气的。Thankfully the boys are safe.谢天谢地,孩子们都安然无恙。The boys had to bunk down in the sitting-room.男孩子们只好睡在客厅。Towards the end of the term two or three boys caught scarlet fever.快到学期结束的时候,有两三个男孩子得了猩红热。Some of the bigger boys purposely knock over the smaller ones.一些大孩子故意把小些的孩子撞倒在地。The boys' dispute ended in a fight.那些男孩的争吵最终导致一场斗殴。The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen.这个班级中男生的平均年龄为十五岁。When the militia was called up, old men and boys were drafted as well.召集民兵的时候,老老少少的男人都被征入伍。The boys seemed to have ganged up.男孩子们好像已结成了一伙。The boys formed a line.男孩们排成一行。We called in the police and accused the boys of stealing.我们叫来了警察并控告男孩子们偷窃。Some of the boys were nice enough, but she didn't want to go out with them.有些男孩子很不错,但她不想跟他们约会。The boys threw stones in the pond.孩子们把石子扔进池塘。The boys were identically dressed in black suits.男孩们清一色地穿上了黑色礼服。The boys are chewing the fat at the counter.男孩子们在柜台旁闲聊。These village boys are going to see massive changes.这些村子里的男孩子们将要见证巨大的变化。The boys, if my eyes did not deceive me, were praying.如果我没有看错的话,那些男孩子正在祈祷。She stayed with them, linking arms with the two girls, joking with the boys.她跟他们呆在一起,与两个女孩手挽手,和男孩子们开着玩笑。The boys' game started as harmless fun but ended in tragedy.男孩子们的游戏开始时只是个无恶意的玩笑,但最终却酿成悲剧。The conventional wisdom is that boys mature more slowly than girls.传统观点是男孩子比女孩子晚熟。Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys would congregate in his study during their recreation time, playing cards or games.伊尔蒂德神父总是敞开大门欢迎来客,男孩子们会在娱乐时间聚在他的书房里打扑克或玩游戏。Wait till the boys back home hear about this!等那帮兄弟回来知道了这事,就等着瞧吧!




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