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词汇 世界里
例句 In their world politics dominates everything.在他们的世界里,政治主宰一切。He has been living in a make-believe world.他一直生活在一个虚幻的世界里We live in an increasingly secular society, in which religion has less and less influence on our daily lives.我们生活在一个日益世俗化的世界里,宗教对我们日常生活的影响越来越小。We live in an imperfect world.我们生活在一个不完美的世界里In an ideal world there would be no poverty.在理想化的世界里将不会有贫困。A wicked, mordant sense of humour has come to the fore in Blur's world.布勒的世界里已出现了一种恶意、刻薄的幽默感。They live in fantasy worlds which make Euro Disney seem uninventive.他们生活在幻想的世界里,相形之下连欧洲迪士尼乐园都显得毫无创意。Richard was in a world of his own and didn't hear what I said.理查德沉浸在自己的世界里,没有听见我说的话。In an ideal world there would be no war.理想的世界里不会有战争。They moved in a world where hostility to racists was natural.他们出没在一个对种族主义者的敌视习以为常的世界里In an ideal/perfect world, no one would go hungry.在一个理想/完美的世界里,没有人会挨饿。Why waste time on virtual friendships, when there are people out there in the real world who want to spend time with you?为什么要在虚拟世界的友谊上浪费时间?真实世界里就有人愿意和你一起共度时光。He pleads for sanity in a lunatic world.他祈求在这混乱的世界里仍能保持头脑清明。His sudden success is something you never really expect to happen in the real world.他的突然成功在现实世界里你想也别想。His novels deal with the world of spies, espionage and counterespionage.他的小说写的都是间谍世界里的间谍和反间谍活动。If you think the work will be easy, you're living in a dream world.如果你认为这个工作很容易,说明你还活在梦幻世界里This is a crazy, mixed-up world we live in.我们生活在一个疯狂的、令人困惑的世界里He's living in a dreamland.他生活在一个幻想世界里He now found himself in a world where deceit was accepted, even expected.他发觉自己正身处一个欺骗行为不仅被接受,而且还期待它发生的世界里In the best of all possible worlds, no one would be without food and clean water.在最理想的世界里,人人都有食物吃,有干净的水喝。Our earliest ancestors lived in a world fraught with danger.我们最早的祖先生活在一个充满危险的世界里In a perfect world, there would be the facilities and money to treat every sick person.在一个完美的世界里,会有治疗每一位病人的设备和金钱。I tapped on the window to get her attention but she was in a world of her own.我敲窗户以引起她的注意,但是她却沉浸在自己的世界里My son seems to live in a fantasy world sometimes.我儿子有时似乎生活在幻想世界里The blind people live in a dark world.盲人生活在黑暗的世界里She inhabits the strange world of the media celebrity.她身处于媒体名流的陌生世界里We live in a cruel, cynical world.我们生活在一个冷酷无情的世界里She lived entirely by spiritual values, in a world of poetry and imagination.她追求精神上的满足,完全生活在一个诗歌和想象的世界里In a perfect world , there would be no need for weapons.在完美的世界里人们将不需要武器。She lived through her children's lives.她生活在儿女的世界里The world, my world anyhow, is full of stupid guys like Gary.这世界,至少我的世界里充满了像加里这样的笨蛋。In the real world no one actually dies of a broken heart, but it happens in operas all the time.在现实世界里不会真有人心碎而死,歌剧中这种事却时有发生。I alone was sane, I thought, in a world of crazy people.我认为,在一群疯子的世界里只有我自己是理性的。In an ideal world, we would be able to recycle everything.在理想世界里,我们可以循环使用任何东西。Their economy was the Cinderella of the industrialized world.他们的经济体制在工业化世界里不受重视。He has been living in a world of make-believe. 他一直生活在一个虚幻的世界里He found relief from his fears in a world of fantasy.他在幻想的世界里得以消除恐惧。You've probably helped to bring him out of his shell a bit.你或许已经帮助他从自我封闭的世界里迈出了一小步。We live in a world without certainties. 我们生活在一个不确定的世界里It is a very useful defence to have in a very cruel world.在这样一个残酷的世界里,这是一种很有用的防御手段。




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