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词汇 boxer
例句 My father was a professional boxer, but at home with the family he was always quiet and gentle.我父亲是职业拳击手,但在家他总是又沉静又温和。The boxer knocked the tar out of his opponent.那名拳击手狠狠地击打对手。The boxer bombarded his opponent with blows to the body.该拳击手不断重拳击打对手的身体。The boxer was pushed back against the ropes.拳击手节节败退,靠到围绳上。He was a natural boxer, with a cold temper, fast reactions and a killer instinct.他是个天生的拳击手,性情沉着、反应灵敏,而且具有杀手的本能。He was wearing a blue silk singlet and boxer shorts.他穿着一件蓝色丝绸汗衫和平角短裤。The champion was dethroned by a young boxer.卫冕冠军被一名年轻拳手掀下了冠军宝座。This young boxer has the talent to carry all before him.这位年轻的拳击手有实力获得全胜。Sam dropped into a boxer 's defensive stance.萨姆变换到拳击手的防御姿态。The boxer beat the crap out of his opponent.这名拳击手把对手打得落花流水。The boxer was flattened in the seventh round.那名拳击手在第七个回合中被打倒在地。The boxer retired undefeated.这名拳击手以不败战绩退役。The boxer was all wound up before the big fight.这位拳击运动员在那场大赛前夕兴奋异常。The boxer was knocked out cold.这位拳击手被击倒在地不省人事。The boxer danced around his opponent.拳击手在他的对手周边快速来回移动脚步。The defeated boxer exited the ring on a stretcher.被击败的拳击运动员躺在担架上被抬出拳击场。The boxer beat the hell out of his opponent.拳击手把对手打得落花流水。The other boxer was out cold.另一个拳击手不省人事。Seeing the opponent was off his guard, the boxer landed a knockout punch.乘对手不提防,那拳击手一下子把他击倒了。The boxer tried to anticipate his opponent's next move.拳击手想要预判对手的下一个动作。The boxer made a feint with his right, then followed with a left hook.拳击手用右拳虚晃一招,接着打了一个左勾拳。The boxer took a punch and went down hard.拳击手挨了一拳,重重跌倒在地。That was his first defeat as a professional boxer.作为一名职业拳击手,那是他的首次失利。He moved with the grace of a trained boxer.他的动作带着一种训练有素的拳击手的风采。There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts.血流得太多,渗透了我的平脚短裤。The boxer won the match by knockout.这名拳击手击倒对手赢得这场比赛。The boxer played possum for the first few rounds, letting his opponent tire himself out.在头几个回合中,那名拳击手隐藏实力,令对手耗尽体力。He is the greatest boxer to come down the pike in years.他是多年来最杰出的拳击手。I'm sure he'll make a master boxer.我相信他会成为一名身手不凡的拳师。Bill idolizes his big brother, who is a professional boxer.比尔非常崇拜他那当职业拳击手的哥哥。The boxer rained blows on his opponent's head. 那名拳击手雨点般的拳头击打在对手的头部。The boxer was badly overmatched.这名拳击手碰到了过于强大的对手。She is buffing up for her role as a female boxer.为演好女拳击手的角色,她正在健身。The boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent's jaw.拳击手看准机会朝着对手的下颚猛击过去。The boxer made a triumphant return to the ring. 那个拳击手重返拳击台后赢得了胜利。Minton is an outstanding boxer, with tremendous confidence in his own ability.明顿是一位出色的拳击手,他对自己的实力非常自信。He was a champion boxer and skier.他是拳击和滑雪双料冠军。The boxer took an eight-count before getting up again. 裁判数到八时,拳击手又一次站了起来。Seeing the opponent was off guard, the boxer landed a knockout punch.乘对手不提防,那拳击手一下子把他击倒了。The boxer was floored by a punishing left jab.拳击手被一记凶狠的左刺拳击倒在地。




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