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词汇 rub
例句 I'll have to rub up my French before I go to Paris.我去巴黎前得把法语复习提高一下。They hoped that some of his prowess might rub off on them.他们希望他的一些高超技艺能够传给他们。If you draw or write in pencil you can always rub out your mistakes with an eraser.如果你用铅笔写字画画,无论出了什么错都可以用橡皮擦掉。All it takes is a rub with a clean dry cloth.只需拿块干净的干布擦一擦。I was hoping some of his genius might rub off.我希望他的才华也可以影响他人。Nobody else believed that they had tried to rub out the pope.其他人都不相信他们试图杀死教皇。But—here's the rub —other women felt differently.但是,问题在于,其他妇女看法不同。We'll rub some of that cream on.我们要擦一些那种乳霜。I gave the mirror a quick rub with a cloth and it was clean again.我用一块布很快地把镜子擦了擦,它又干净了。Some of the cream may rub off and stain.一些乳膏会被蹭掉,留下污渍。Hopefully her enthusiasm will rub off on the rest of the team.她的热情可望能感染其他队员。Mitchell tried to rub the dirt off the nameplate with his gloved thumb.米切尔想用戴着手套的拇指把姓名牌上的尘垢擦掉。I saw him rub against you in a pretty indiscreet way.我看见他相当无礼地蹭了你一下。You may rub up against a lot of famous people at the party.在此宴会上你可以碰见许多名人。He didn't like her mean rub at his slowness.他不喜欢她对他的迟钝冷嘲热讽。The oil is used as a chest rub.这种油用作胸部涂抹油。I used a towel to rub the dog down after his bath.我给狗洗完澡后用毛巾把它的毛擦干。Avoid tight shoes that may rub or chafe the skin.不要穿夹脚的鞋子,以防磨脚或擦破皮肤。A half-year suspension would rub him out until September.他被禁赛半年,要到九月才能参赛。When you rub your hands together the friction produces heat.揉搓双手时,摩擦会产生热量。Don't rub the wine stain. Blot it dry with a paper towel.不要用力擦葡萄酒渍,用纸巾把它吸干。The questions are in the Red, answers in the Blue, but, and here's the rub, not in the same order.问题是红色的;答案是蓝色的。可问题是二者顺序不同。I wish some of your good luck would rub off on me. 但愿我能沾点你的好运。There's a difficult time ahead, but we'll rub through somehow.艰难的日子在后头,可是我们总能设法勉强对付过去。Some people rub beads together as they chant.有些人一边诵经一边捻珠子。After a swim, he should shower and rub on an emollient cream.游泳后,他应该洗个淋浴,搽上润肤霜。Would you give me a back rub?你能给我按摩一下后背吗?I tried to rub off a dirt stain on my sleeve.我试图把袖子上的泥点子擦掉。I know I made a mistake, but you don't have to rub it in.我知道我犯过错,可你也不必老是提起这事。We rub along well enough, but we're not really close friends.我们相处融洽,但算不上真正的密友。Be careful that the ink doesn't rub off on your fingers.当心墨水沾在你手指上擦不掉。Later you may rub down with a cold wet flannel.过一会儿,你可以拿一块凉的法兰绒湿毛巾把全身擦干净。They seem to not have two halfpennies to rub together.看来他们从没见识过大钱。Try not to rub your coat against the wet paint.不要让你的上衣碰在未干的油漆上。I tried to rub the dirt off.我试图擦掉灰尘。He tried to cover his embarrassment by starting to rub his hands together.他开始搓着双手,试图掩饰自己的尴尬。She sometimes asks if I want a back rub.她有时会问我想不想做个背部按摩。You are meant to rub the medicine on the affected area, not swallow it.你应该把药抹在受感染部位,而不是吞服。Apply the moisturizer to the skin and gently rub it in.把保湿露涂在皮肤上并轻轻按摩,直至吸收。I had to rub the whole thing out and start again.我只好把它全部擦去重新开始。




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