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词汇 不问
例句 No one in her right mind would make such a major purchase without asking questions.没有哪个心智正常的人会连问都不问就花这么一大笔钱买东西。They had become increasingly out of touch with public opinion.他们很快就不问民意了。When she started borrowing my clothes without asking, I had to put my foot down.她开始连问都不问就把我的衣服借走的时候,我不得不出面制止。I wouldn't put it past Kevin to have borrowed the car without asking.我认为凯文很有可能问都不问就把车子借走了。He believed, rightly or wrongly, that she was guilty.不问他的看法对不对,他坚持认为她是有罪的。He was so disgusted by the election results that he swore off politics for good.他对选举结果十分不满,发誓从此不问政治。Oh I'm not political, I take no interest in politics.哦,我可是不问政治,对政治上的事情一概不关心。Many people, rightly or wrongly, believe that the economy will soon improve.不问对还是错,许多人相信经济将很快好转。States are required to seek out any person who has committed a grave breach, irrespective of his nationality.各州被要求查出所有严重违法者,不问国籍。They believe, rightly or wrongly, that their violent protest will achieve their aims.他们相信,且不问对错,他们的暴力抗议会达到目的。She thought about asking him where his room was, but thought better of it.她本想问他的房间在什么地方,但后来改变主意不问了。 Many people, rightly or wrongly, believe the economy will soon improve.不问对还是错,许多人都相信经济将会很快好转。Politicians want a lap-dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.政客们想要的是不问是非、甘为他们搞宣传的哈巴狗一样的新闻媒体。How dare you use my car without asking!你竟敢问都不问就用我的车!




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