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词汇 不适
例句 One year after the accident he could dance without any ill effects.那场意外事故一年之后,他又能翩翩起舞而无任何不适之感。I'm fine, thank you, but Elinor's a bit off colour at the moment.我很好,谢谢你,但埃莉诺此刻有点不适I wasn't prepared for the discomforts of living in a place with no electricity or running water.我对居住在无电无水的地方所面临的困苦不适毫无准备。For my own part, I have nothing to complain of.就我个人而言,我没什么不适If the pain/problem/trouble, etc. recurs, come and see me.如果疼痛复发/问题再出现/再感不适等,就来找我。Check with your doctor if you have a medical condition or aren't used to caffeine.让你的医生检查一下,看你是身体有什么不适还是不适应咖啡因。I came over all queer after half an hour.半小时后我感到头晕目眩,浑身不适Camomile has long been used as a remedy for teething babies.春黄菊长期以来一直用作减轻婴儿出牙时的不适的药物。The irritation stops when I take my shoes off.我脱下鞋子,疼痛不适之感就会消失。My back was bothering me a little bit, but that had nothing to do with how badly I played.我的背部有些不适,但那与我表现不佳没有关系。I stopped taking the drug because of its unpleasant side effects.这种药物的副作用令人不适,因此我停止了服用。He was obviously in great pain/discomfort.很明显他极度痛苦/不适The disease, causing extreme stomach upsets, is caused by a waterborne parasite.这种导致胃部极度不适的疾病是由一种水生寄生虫引起的。They were all feeling very poorly.他们都感到身体非常不适He blamed his absence on a minor indisposition.他把自己的缺席归咎于身体小有不适The President declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat.总统因为嗓子不适,婉拒发表演说。Returning to work after a long break can be a terrible shock to the system.长时间休息后重新开始工作可能会使身体非常不适He began to have trouble with his right knee.他的右膝盖开始出现不适The symptoms can be uncomfortable, unpleasant and serious.那些症状可能令人不适,很不舒服甚至会比较严重。I've been feeling a bit out of sorts lately.近来我身体有些不适I'm a little out of shape.我身体有些不适The President declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat.总统因嗓子不适而婉拒了亲自讲话。The fog irritated his lungs and made him short of breath.大雾令他的肺部不适,使他呼吸困难。He had a turn and had to lie down.他感到一阵不适,不得不躺下。It was a very hot day, and I suddenly felt faint and sick.那天很热,我忽然感觉晕厥不适Her child was ill with the pip.她的孩子身体有点不适The richness of the food made him feel slightly ill.食物太油腻了,他吃了觉得有些不适You may experience some slight discomfort after the operation.手术后你会感到稍稍有些不适Use a humidifier in heated rooms to prevent dry air irritating your throat.在开暖气的房间里可用加湿器,防止吸入干燥空气造成喉咙不适Joe's been having a bit of bother with his back again.最近乔的背部又有点不适There's a limit to the amount of discomfort anyone can put up with.任何人对不适都有一个忍耐的限度。Stop using the cream if you get any irritation.如有任何不适请停止使用此乳霜。You should be able to drive without discomfort after about two weeks.大约两周之后你就可以开车了,不会感到任何不适Austin's neck problems have flared up again.奥斯汀的颈部不适又发作了。Both of us felt a little sick after dinner.我俩饭后都感到有点不适After all the merrymaking at Christmas he felt slightly ill.圣诞节的全部狂欢活动结束之后,他略感不适Georgia had taken pills to settle her stomach, but she was still throwing up every hour.乔治娅已经吃了药想缓解胃部的不适,但还是每小时就吐一次。Steve had some discomfort, but no real pain.史蒂夫有些不适,但不是真疼。Use a cooling gel to relieve the discomfort of sunburn.用一块退热软冻胶可以减轻太阳灼伤产生的不适Unfortunately there's no miracle cure for a hangover.遗憾的是,酒后不适是没有灵丹妙药的。




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