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词汇 不愿意
例句 Initially the government was unwilling to accept the defeat.最初政府不愿意承认失败。Most of us actually do come in to work at weekends, like it or not.我们中间的多数人,不管愿意不愿意在周末总是来上班工作。Japan has been reluctant to offer much aid to Russia.日本一直不愿意向俄罗斯提供太多的援助。Thurman was reluctant to go into specifics about the deal.瑟曼不愿意详细解释此项交易的细节。I hate to see birds in cages.不愿意看到鸟儿关在笼子里。They were unwilling to register for the draft.他们不愿意登记入伍。They complain so much about the government, but they can't be bothered to vote.他们对政府怨言很多,却又不愿意投票选举。Students are unwilling to really work. They want to be spoon-fed.学生们不愿意真正用功。他们希望别人把知识塞进他们脑子里。Our manager was very sticky about granting even the most reasonable request.我们经理对即使是最合理的要求也很不愿意爽快答允。After all the trouble she put me to, I didn't feel disposed to help her.她给我带来了这么多的麻烦,我可不愿意再帮她了。You overcome your reluctance to push yourself forward.你得克服不愿意表现自己的问题。The manager was unwilling to refund my money.经理不愿意给我退钱。I hate to tell you this. But the truth is, he is a charlatan.我很不愿意这么告诉你,但是,他实际上是个骗子。Small struggling farms naturally jib at paying large veterinary bills.挣扎中的小农场自然不愿意支付大笔的兽医账单。I guess I'll have to volunteer because it's clear nobody else will.显然别人都不愿意,我想我只能自告奋勇了。Everyone hates losing an argument.谁都不愿意在辩论中输掉。He seemed somewhat reluctant to explain, but finally did so.他似乎有些不愿意作出解释,但最后还是做了。I would sooner die than be enslaved.我宁死也不愿意被奴役。I'd hate to be someone really famous with the press reporting my every move.那种一举一动都被登上报纸的大名人我可不愿意当。The kids are getting overexcited and won't go to sleep.孩子们兴奋过头了,都不愿意去睡觉。His dad wouldn't stump up for a new bike.他爸爸不愿意掏腰包买新的自行车。He is very hesitant about borrowing money.他很不愿意借钱。This is about the last place on earth I'd like to live.这大概是世界上我最不愿意生活的地方。Will you, nill you, I will marry you.不管你愿意不愿意,我决意同你结婚。I asked him to help out, but he wasn't having any of it.我请他来帮个忙,但是他不愿意It's nothing personal , but I'd rather not talk to you about it.我不是要冒犯你,但是我不愿意和你谈这件事情。He seemed to be a naturally solitary person, troubling himself about only a few friends.他似乎天生就是个独来独往的人,不愿意费神多交几个朋友。No one would like to live in a tyrannical despotism.谁也不愿意生活在一个暴君专制的国家。I'm not prepared to discuss this on the phone.不愿意在电话里讨论这个问题。Doctors don't like long hospital waiting lists either.医生也不愿意看到候诊长龙。I think he means that he does not want this marriage to turn out like his friend's.我认为他的意思是,他不愿意这场婚姻落得跟他朋友的婚姻一样的下场。I'd sooner starve than eat that disgusting food.我宁愿饿着,也不愿意吃那恶心的食物。She didn't seem inclined to help us.她似乎不愿意帮我们。We were reluctant to start the long trudge home.我们不愿意踏上漫长艰难的回家之路。A spokesman said the government was confident of winning the vote and would not discuss the possibility of defeat.一名发言人说政府有信心赢得选票,并且不愿意谈论落选的可能性。She may be rich, but I wouldn't want to change places with her.她也许很有钱,但我不愿意和她交换位置。He sat down and would not budge.他坐下,不愿意动了。I dread to think what will happen in the case of a major emergency.不愿意去想万一发生重大紧急事件会出现什么情况。No one would play cards with him because he was a cheater.谁也不愿意跟他打牌,因为他是个骗子。I don't appreciate hearing my words twisted.不愿意听到我的话被歪曲。




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