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词汇 不明确
例句 He felt that his role in the company was becoming more ambiguous. 他觉得他在公司的角色越来越不明确It is unclear why some people develop arthritis.不明确为什么有些人会得关节炎。It is difficult to test a potential cure when a disease is ill-defined.如果对疾病的描述不明确,那就很难检验可能的治疗方法。They ambivalently condemn both the disorders and the jury verdict that touched off the disorders.他们既对骚乱予以谴责,同时又指责陪审团的裁决引发了骚乱,立场很不明确I don't know if he likes me; he keeps giving me mixed messages.我不知道他是否喜欢我,他给我的信息一直不明确There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.协议这一部分的真正含义很不明确The results of the study are in question.研究的结果现在尚不明确The motive for the killing is unknown.杀人动机尚不明确The author's exact meaning is open to question. 作者的真实意图还不明确The response from local businesses has been muted.当地商界的反应一直不明确Ownership is not clear because of expropriations in the Nazi era.纳粹时期的征用致使所有权不明确The line between our areas of responsibility is fuzzy.我们之间的责任范围划分不明确Teachers find the report's terminology so indefinite that it is confusing.老师们发现报告的专门用语不明确,令人费解。The purpose of the meeting wasn't immediately obvious.会议的目的并不明确Our plans are indefinite.我们的计划还不明确Her intentions are open to question.她的意图现在尚不明确His role in the affair is ambiguous.他在本事件中的角色并不明确At the moment, the law on compensation is very much a grey area.当时,有关赔偿的法律还非常不明确The property's borders are ill-defined. 这块地产的边界划分不明确The source of the primary tumour remained unclear.早期肿瘤的病源尚不明确He made the rules without being explicit about them.他制定的规则并不明确She has been vague about her plans for college.她上大学的计划一直都不明确Conflicts can often stem from ill-defined roles.冲突可能往往是因职责不明确而产生的。Their position in society remains ambiguous.他们在社会中的位置仍不明确The long-term benefits of the treatment are extremely uncertain.这种疗法的长期好处极不明确The government has been ambiguous on this issue.在此问题上政府立场一直不明确




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