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例句 I couldn't make much of his lecture.他的讲课我听不大懂。 I can't quite seize your meaning.不大能领会你的意思。You don't often get people ringing up in the middle of the night to say they've found a body in the bath.深更半夜有人打电话来说浴室里发现尸体,这种事情是不大碰得到的。Unqualified teachers stand little chance of being hired.不合格的教师不大有受雇的希望。The Pope had no great sympathy for the secularized West.教皇不大为世俗化的西方感到悲悯。I don't really like classical music, though I did enjoy that Pavarotti concert.不大喜欢古典音乐,但我确实喜欢听帕瓦罗蒂的那场音乐会。She didn't seem over pleased when I asked her to wait.我叫她等一下,她好像不大高兴。I paid little attention to what the others were saying.不大注意别人在说什么。To this end the young child is forever watchful.这个年纪不大的孩子为此始终保持警惕。I can't understand why he disapproves of me. It's not as if I've done anything wrong.我不理解他为什么不喜欢我,不大像是我做了什么错事。He's not a heavy smoker.他烟瘾不大I don't really like walking home on my own at night.不大喜欢夜里一个人走回家。She's never had much of an ear for languages.她从来就不大擅长学习语言。Bill and I used to be good friends, but we don't see each other much now.比尔和我过去是好朋友,但现在我们不大见面了。I don't think he has much say in this matter.我想他在此事上不大有发言权。I don't put much stock in the rumors. 不大相信这些谣言。It was an ancient car anyway, so it was no great loss.不管怎么说这是一辆旧车,所以损失不大The box didn't look very prepossessing, but the necklace inside was beautiful.那个盒子看起来不大吸引人,但里面的项链很漂亮。His plan to reduce the national debt seems like pie in the sky.他削减国债的计划看起来不大可能实行。There's something not quite right about these figures.这些数字好像不大正确。Despite many local triumphs, their party stands little chance of winning a national election.他们的党尽管在许多地方选举中取得胜利,但是在全国性选举中获胜的机会不大They could still succeed, although it's not likely.虽然他们成功的可能性不大,但还是有可能的。She has plenty of brains but will not use them.她有很高的智力,只是不大肯动脑筋。The game wasn't very exciting, and neither team played well.比赛不大精彩,两支球队都打得不好。The summers out here are not congenial to the average North European.这里的夏天对一般的北欧人来说不大舒服。The stain is practically out now; one more do should remove it entirely.现在污渍已经看不大出来了,再仔细洗一下就可以完全洗掉。The damage wasn't quite as bad as expected.损失不大像预计的那样糟糕。Let's just say she wasn't very pleased about it.这么说吧,她对此不大高兴。He was only peripherally involved in the sale of the house. 在这桩房屋买卖中他起的作用不大Tool companies here are generally small.这里制造工具的公司普遍规模不大You can hardly blame Peter for being angry with her.彼得生她的气有原因,你责怪他说不大过去。The prisoners had little/no chance of escape/escaping.囚犯不大有/没有可能逃跑。He is feeling less charitable towards me today.他今天对我不大宽容。Carrie was only half interested in the conversation.卡丽对这次谈话兴致不大He brought forth a small gold amulet from beneath his robe.他从袍子下面拿出一个不大的金护身符。I'd just as soon stay at home – I don't really enjoy parties.我宁愿留在家里,我不大喜欢参加派对。We are friends, but I don't know much about their private affairs.我们是朋友,但我不大了解他们的私事。Rick hasn't seemed himself lately.里克近来似乎不大正常。The main characters at least should be round, it does not matter so much if the minor characters are two-dimensional.主要人物至少得刻画丰满,次要人物扁平些关系倒不大I don't wear my black dress very much. It's very tight around the waist.不大穿这条黑色的连衣裙,腰口很紧。




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