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词汇 大臣
例句 The new minister was faced with a seemingly impossible task.这位新上任的大臣面临一项似乎不可能完成的工作。The Secretary of State for Environment has the power to cap councils which spend excessively.环境大臣有权限定那些铺张浪费的委员会的支出。The prime minister and his ministers are all responsible to Parliament.首相和大臣们都要对议会负责。The minister was obliged to report at least once every six months.这位大臣必须至少每六个月作一次汇报。The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs.劳工大臣表示,改革将带来新的就业机会。The secretary said the change will not compromise national security.大臣说这个变化不会危及国家安全。A loophole in the planning laws means that stores can install internal mezzanine floors without planning permission. But the Planning Minister is on the case.规划法中的漏洞意味着商店可以未经许可加盖夹层。但规划大臣正在处理这个问题。The king grew increasingly suspicious of his officials.国王对他的大臣们越来越不信任了。The minister showed a lack of political judgment.那位大臣显得缺乏政治判断力。In an embarrassing climb-down, the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat.内务大臣尴尬地作出让步,解除了将其驱逐出境的威胁。The king knew that the courtiers were whispering.国王知道大臣们在窃窃私语地议论。The king clipped his minister's wings in order to keep power himself.国王限制了大臣的权力,为的是保证自己大权独揽。British ministers continued to prevaricate.英国的大臣们仍然闪烁其词。The king will have to clip his minister's wings in order to keep power himself.国王要保持权力就得限制大臣的权力。Approval or rejection of the project is up to the Italian cultural affairs minister.是否批准这个项目取决于意大利文化事务大臣The minister was found guilty of plotting the downfall of the government.那位大臣被判犯有阴谋颠覆政府罪。Real authority was invested in a Prime Minister and other ministers.首相和其他大臣们握有实权。We have a Secretary of State for Scotland who is for all practical purposes a Scottish Prime Minister.我们有一位苏格兰事务大臣,实际上就是苏格兰的首相。Ministers are accountable to Parliament.大臣们向议会负责。The Bishop of Salisbury had been, ex officio, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter.索尔兹伯里主教已按职务规定成为嘉德勋位授予大臣The British Sports Minister is reported to be ready to argue for an experimental lifting of the ban.据报道,英国体育大臣准备争取试行取消那条禁令。He was disgusted that a British minister could have behaved so disgracefully.他对一位英国大臣竟有如此丢人的举止感到厌恶。Few ministers have the nous or the instinct required to understand the ramifications.没有几个大臣具备理解这些后果所需要的理性或直觉。He liked the Secretary no better than his assistant.他讨厌这位大臣的程度几乎和讨厌大臣的助理一样。The king charged that his minister had disobeyed instructions.国王指责他的大臣不服从谕旨。A leading article in 'The Times' accused the minister of lying.《泰晤士报》的一篇社论指责那名大臣说谎。The minister was greeted with a chorus of boos.大臣遭到了一片嘘声。On some vital decisions, ministers were only informed after the fact.关于一些重大决策,大臣们只是事后被告知。MacDonald appointed him Secretary of State for India.麦克唐纳任命他为印度事务大臣The Scottish Secretary gave a very weak answer.苏格兰大臣给出了一个极无说服力的回答。Why did ministers fail to inform the public of these dangers? The people of Britain deserve answers.为何大臣们不预先告诉公众有这些危险?英国人民理应得到回答。The company paid for the minister to fly out to Australia on a freebie.公司出资供该大臣免费飞往澳大利亚。The Secretary emerged, a big fat man who quickly shook us all by the hand.这位大臣现身了,是一个大块头,他迅速和我们所有人都握了手。Ministers believed it was vital to dump the poll tax before the election.大臣们认为在大选前停止征收人头税至关重要。Usually when Opposition MPs question Ministers they are just playing party politics.通常情况下,反对党议员质疑大臣们时,只是在进行党派斗争。It started harmlessly enough, with a statement from the Secretary of State for Social Security.开场平淡无奇,由社会保障大臣作了发言。Ministers must appear before parliament and justify their actions.大臣们必须就自己的行为向议会作出解释。The minister said that the government was considering increasing VAT, but he was probably only flying a kite.这位大臣说,政府正考虑提高增值税,不过这也许只是试探舆论反应而已。The minister's own seat is a Tory marginal.这位大臣的席位是保守党的边缘席位。Ministers must not knowingly mislead Parliament and the public.大臣们不应该故意地误导议会与公众。




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