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词汇 both
例句 All residences provide accommodation for both man and women, unless otherwise specified.所有寓所男性和女性均可入住,除非另有说明。The loss of both her parents at an early age distorted her outlook on life.早年失去双亲扭曲了她的人生观。The exact cause of both conditions is unknown.这两种病症的具体原因还不为人知。He wants to let the extremists in both camps fight it out among themselves.他要让双方阵营中的极端主义分子相互争论到底。On both days, three very different trains will be timetabled.这两天,三趟火车都将排入时刻表。They are able to send both their children to private school.他们有能力把两个孩子都送入私立学校读书。The constraints on women imposed through purdah extend to both private and public spheres.深闺制度使得女性在公众场合和私人场合都要受束缚。Negotiations are a two-way thing - both sides have to come to a compromise.谈判是双方的事——双方都必须作出妥协。Sue managed to quiet them both down and eventually stopped the argument.休终于让他们俩都平静了下来,最后停止了争吵。We would both prefer to live in the north of England, but there aren't many jobs there.我们两人都宁愿住在英格兰北部地区,但那里就业机会不是很多。My brother's wife and I both had babies around the same time, so the cousins are very close in age.我嫂子和我差不多同时生了孩子,因此这对表兄妹年纪相仿。The jury had heard counsel on both sides.陪审团已听取双方律师的意见。She came back from work exhausted, both physically and mentally.她下班回来已经身心俱疲。Detective Brady took a statement from both witnesses.布雷迪警探把两个证人的陈述都记录了下来。There are arguments both for and against it.支持和反对它的论证并存。The study was carried out with both thoroughness and objectivity.该项研究既全面又客观。The meal was both healthful and satisfying.这顿饭既健康又可口。They're both beautiful designs – it's hard to choose between them.这两个设计都非常漂亮,很难在它们之间作出选择。This game will be the season opener for both teams.这场比赛将是两个队在本赛季的揭幕赛。The paper is made from both cotton and wood fiber.这种纸由棉、木两种纤维制成。Many words can be used both literally and figuratively.很多词既能按字面意义使用,又能按比喻义使用。In a sense, we were both right.从某种意义上说,咱们俩都对。The image Sue projected was both a come-on and a challenge to every man in the club that night.那天晚上,休摆出的样子对夜总会里的每个男人来说既是挑逗,又是一种挑衅。Driving requires constant depression of pedals with one or both feet.开车时需要用单脚或双脚不停地踩两个踏板。Stress, both human and mechanical, may also be a contributing factor.来自人的和机械方面的压力可能也是一个因素。We both got suspended for fighting.我俩因打架双双被勒令停学。A great book can both elevate and entertain its readers.一本好书能使读者的心灵升华并使他们从中得到乐趣。The database is fully hyperlinked both within the database and to thousands of external links.该数据库在其内部以及和数千个外部链接之间充分实现了超链接。These traditional tools are both functional and attractive.这些传统工具既实用又美观。Not coincidentally, they were both graduates of the same college.他俩是同一所大学的毕业生,这并非巧合。They both have enormous egos and tremendous ambition.他俩都非常自负并有极大的野心。Charlie was threatening violence against them both.查利扬言要对他们两人动粗。Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners.婚姻常因为配偶双方的缺点而破裂。The merger proved to be very lucrative for both companies.事实证明,这次兼并使两家公司都获利丰厚。Take hold of both ends of the rope.抓住绳子的两头。The President sent a letter to both nations urging restraint.总统给两个国家都发出了一封信以敦促双方保持克制的态度。They both gave the same reasons for leaving.他们俩给的离开的理由是一样的。We both graduated from the same high school in Queens.我们俩毕业于昆斯区的同一所高中。The measure passed both the House and the Senate.这项举措已获参众两院批准。We both need a break. Let's go away for the weekend.我们俩都需要休息。我们出去度周末吧。




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