例句 |
The higher orders of society must rule the lower.上层社会必须统治下层社会。Horse-racing was once considered vulgar and lower class in Japan.赛马在日本曾一度被视为是粗俗的下层社会游戏。Welfare has become identified with the long-term poor, the underclass.福利已经与长期贫困的下层社会联系在了一起。The upper classes speak proper English and the lower classes a crude dialect.上流社会讲标准英语,下层社会则说粗鄙的土话。The government has created an underclass who do not feel they have any rights in society.这届政府造成了一个下层社会,他们感觉不到在社会中有任何权利。The lower classes have gotten/received short shrift from the city government. 市政府漠视下层社会。Inequities breed resentment among the disadvantaged.不公平引起下层社会的愤恨。 |