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词汇 下唇
例句 She eyed him in trepidation, with a trembling nether lip.她惊恐地看着他,下唇颤抖着。Her bottom lip quivered and big tears rolled down her cheeks.她的下唇颤抖着,豆大的泪珠顺着面颊滚落下来。Nina chewed her lower lip anxiously.尼娜焦虑不安地咬着下唇Her lower lip vibrated.她的下唇在抽搐。The baby's lower lip quivered and then she began crying.婴儿的下唇微微颤抖,然后就开始哭了。Use a red gloss on your bottom lip to give it fullness.下唇使用红色唇彩让它显得丰盈饱满。His top teeth worked across the lower lip.他的上齿使劲咬着下唇Her teeth clenched on her lower lip.她的牙齿咬着下唇His lower lip trembled in agitation.因为激动,他的下唇微微抽搐。Tom had a fall and his under lip began to swell up.汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。Lennie's bottom lip quivered and tears started in his eyes.伦尼的下唇颤抖着,眼里涌出了泪花。




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