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词汇 上班时
例句 You can phone me at work as long as you don't make a habit of it.你可以上班时给我打电话,只要别一来二去打上瘾了就成。When Father went to work,he accidentally walked off with Mother's umbrella.父亲上班时无意中把母亲的伞带走了。She managed to write a letter during a quiet spell at work.她趁上班时一段清静的时间写了封信。When he is off-duty, he likes to tinker with little things.当他不上班时,他喜欢修补一些小东西。He was drunk at work. Allegedly.上班时喝醉了。据说如此。At work, he was chained to a system of boring meetings.上班时,他淹没在枯燥乏味的会海中。He's very snappish when he arrives at work in the morning.早上刚上班时,他脾气总是很暴躁。He had an accident at work and cut his finger.上班时出了事故,割破了手指。I spent lots of money on smart new outfits for work.我花大笔钱购置了上班时穿的漂亮新套装。We dress down at work these days, unless we're going to a client meeting.如今,我们上班时穿着比较随便,除非去和客户会晤。She kicked off the murderously high heels she wore to work.她踢掉了那双上班时穿的痛得要命的高跟鞋。Don't forget to shut the cat out when you leave for work.出门上班时,不要忘记把猫关到门外。I caught her just as she was leaving for work.我在她正要去上班时找到了她。Even walking up the stairs at work tires me these days.最近,我连上班时上楼梯都感到累。Her show airs during the morning drive time.她的节目在人们早晨开车上班时播放。I have to watch my back at work - there are a lot of people who would like my job.上班时不得不提防周围的人——很多人都想要我这份工作。A debt collector visited him at work insisting he pay up for a gambling debt.一个收债者在他上班时造访了他,坚持要他偿还赌债。Sometimes my mother visits me at work, although I have given her strict instructions not to do so.有时候我母亲会在我上班时来看我,尽管我已经严肃地告诉过她别这么做。He always wears a jacket and tie to work.上班时总是穿西服打领带。He does as little as possible at work.上班时能偷懒就偷懒。The company treated me as though I were skiving.公司对待我的态度就好像是我上班时溜号了似的。My working days were spent mooning round his department, trying to sneak a chance encounter.上班时我在他的部门转来转去,暗中寻找巧遇他的机会。Pam hates it when Lee calls her at work.帕姆不喜欢李在上班时给自己打电话。The supervisor fired him after he showed up at work drunk.主管因为他上班时醉醺醺的把他开除了。My friends would joke about the uniform I had to wear at work.朋友们总是拿我上班时不得不穿的那件制服开玩笑。At work they are at the whim of the boss.上班时他们要由着老板的性子。She dresses conservatively at work, but on the weekends, anything goes. 上班时她穿着很保守,但到了周末,她穿着就很随便了。Anthony returned to work minus his beard.安东尼回来上班时,他的胡须不见了。At home she's allowed to tell everyone what to do, but she wouldn't dare try it on at work.在家里她对谁都可以指手画脚,但在上班时她就不敢这样乱来。Who will look after your children while you go out to work?上班时谁来照料你的孩子? She is still casting around for someone to watch her son while she is at work.她仍在到处寻找一个能在她上班时帮忙照看儿子的人。When she first started working, she was consigned to a small, windowless office.上班时,她被安排在一间既狭小又没窗户的办公室里。Limit the number of personal phone calls you make at work.你得限制一下上班时打私人电话的次数。An employee arrived for work on Monday with her arm in a support.一位员工周一来上班时胳膊上打着支架。I think I picked up a cold from someone at work.我感冒了,估计是在上班时被同事传染的。Who is caring for your son while you are at work?上班时,谁照看你的儿子?At work she sits in front of her word processor all day.上班时,她一整天都坐在文字处理机前。




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