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We waited in the car while he checked the oil with an irritating lack of urgency.我们在车里等,他却慢悠悠地检查机油,真让人上火。She is Dutch and finds our language exasperating.作为荷兰人,她觉得我们的语言真让人着急上火。We all agree that work is a curse that chafes us.我们一致认为工作是让我们着急上火的祸根。Lately he's not done a damned thing and it's getting on my nerves.近来他一丁点事都没做,这让我非常上火。Alleged strike breakers had their houses petrol-bombed or were hacked to death or necklaced.破坏罢工的嫌疑人,其房屋遭汽油弹炸毁,人被砍死或被套上火项链烧死。 |