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词汇 上个月
例句 His contract was terminated last month.他的合同于上个月终结。He deserted from army intelligence last month.上个月他从陆军情报机关开小差跑了。Blackstone last month saw a trimming of its profits.黑石集团上个月出现了盈利下降。A new constitution was promulgated last month.上个月颁布了一部新宪法。Although unemployment rose last month, this is unlikely to dampen down wage demands.尽管上个月的失业人数增加了,但人们并不会因此降低加薪的要求。They'd altered his shift pattern twice in the past month.上个月他们让他换了两次班。I met him sometime last month.我在上个月的某个时候碰见过他。The economy is struggling. That said, house prices rose slightly last month.经济形势很艰难。尽管如此,房价上个月仍略有上扬。His second book came out in hardback last month.他的第二本书上个月以精装本面市。Retail sales dipped last month, largely because Americans were buying fewer cars.上个月零售额下降了,主要是因为美国人购车量减少了。Mr. Weller retired last month and now lives at his ease.韦勒先生上个月退休了,现在过著悠闲的生活。This last month has been pure hell.上个月是十足的地狱。Last month's sales growth was not uniform.上个月的销售额出现不均匀增长。Japan last month, New York next month - you've become a regular globetrotter, haven't you?上个月去了日本,下个月又要去纽约——你可真的成了环球旅行者了,是不是?Carl's father lost his job last month.卡尔的父亲上个月失业了。The Education Bill finally became law last month.《教育法案》在上个月终于成为法律。The new production plant went into operation last month.新的制造厂上个月投入运转。Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany.上个月,他与德国签订了新的互不侵犯条约。The President whisked through South America last month.总统上个月在南美洲奔忙。His acclaimed one-man show opened in London last month .他的广受好评的单人演出从上个月开始在伦敦演出。I revisited Prague last month.上个月我又去了布拉格。He won last month's election by a landslide.他在上个月的选举中大获全胜。I looked through my wallet for last month's wage slip.我在皮夹里翻找上个月的工资单。She'd died only last month.上个月刚去世。Last month went by so fast.上个月过得太快了。The price of grain has doubled in the past month.粮食的价格在上个月涨了一倍。Prices have remained steady over the last month.上个月物价保持稳定。During the last month, we finally witnessed an upswing in our volumes of export.上个月,我们终于看见出口的数量向上飙升。We just bought a house here last month, and we're still getting to know our neighbors. 我们上个月在这里刚买了房,现在还在结识邻居。Britain's balance of payments improved modestly last month.上个月英国的国际收支差额稍有改善。That egghead published a new theory of matter last month.那位知识分子上个月发表了一个新的物质论。The workers walked out last month after a failure to agree terms.因未能就某些条款达成一致,工人上个月举行了罢工。The investigation was formally initiated last month.调查于上个月正式开始。The hotel should have a record of who stayed there last month.旅馆应该有上个月谁在那里住过的记录。Production was up last month.上个月产量上升了。After a few false starts, he took over the company last month.经过开始的几次失误以后,他上个月接管了这家公司。Our new car, which we bought last month, seats five people.我们的新车,上个月买的,能坐五个人。His neighbor moved out last month.他的邻居上个月搬走了。I saw her last month and I'll see her again next month.上个月见过她,下个月还会见她。I got pulled over twice last month because I was speeding on the highway.上个月因为在公路上超速驾驶两次被警察拦下。




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