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词汇 三分之二
例句 Opinion polls indicated a two-thirds majority in favour / favor of ratification of the treaty.民意调查表明三分之二的多数支持批准该条约。One third of the population were townsmen and two thirds countrymen.三分之一的人口是住在城里,三分之二住在乡下。Two-thirds of the national electorate had the chance to vote in these elections.全国三分之二的选民有机会在本次大选中投票。Two-thirds of the market is in the control of three companies. 三分之二的市场份额受三家公司掌控。Two-thirds of the sales force will be deployed to protect the existing customer base.三分之二的销售人员将被调动去保护现有的客户群。The war has uprooted nearly two thirds of the country's population.战争使这个国家近三分之二的人口背井离乡。At least two-thirds of the class will attend the play.班上至少有三分之二的同学会去看戏。They failed to win the requisite two-thirds majority.他们未能赢得所必需的三分之二多数票。The law will pass only if it is approved by at least a two-thirds majority. 这项法律只有获得三分之二以上的多数票才能通过。Two-thirds of lone parents are on benefit.三分之二的单身父母领取补贴。She expected to achieve the requisite two-thirds majority for nomination.她期望得到获得提名所必需的三分之二多数。Solicitor-speak is believed to be a reason why two out of three people die without making a will.据信律师的行话太难懂是导致三分之二的人去世时没有留下遗嘱的一个原因。Two-thirds of the French are in favour of limiting foreign imports into Europe.三分之二的法国人赞成限制欧洲的进口贸易。The United States and Russia hope to conclude a treaty to cut their nuclear arsenals by two-thirds.美俄两国希望达成一项将各自核武器削减三分之二的条约。Stir the chocolate, fruit and nuts into two-thirds of the cheese mixture.奶酪混合物取三分之二,拌入巧克力、水果和坚果。Iran reached a non-nuclear agreement with the world powers and promised that it would reduce the number of centrifuges by two thirds.伊朗与列强达成的禁核协议保证它将会把分离机的数目削减三分之二The two thirds majority in parliament needed to make constitutional changes.修改宪法需要占议会席位三分之二的议员同意。The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.这项决议以三分之二多数票通过。In the divorce proceedings, she demanded the car and a whopping two-thirds of the family business.在离婚诉讼中,她要求分得那部车,还要求得到家族企业三分之二的巨额财产。Two out of three tenants are in arrears.三分之二的房客拖欠租金。If the proposed piece of legislation fails to get the requisite two-thirds majority in Parliament, it cannot become law.如果所提议的法规在议会中没有得到规定的三分之二多数人的同意,就不能成为法律。Roughly two-thirds of high school students are involved in volunteer community work.大约有三分之二的高中生参加社区的义务工作。Pay constitutes two thirds of all current expenditure.工资占目前所有开支的三分之二Two-thirds of the adult population there has contracted AIDS.那里的成年人当中有三分之二染上了艾滋病。Some two-thirds of the country's diamond miners are now on strike.现在全国有三分之二左右的钻石矿工在举行罢工。About two-thirds of adults consult their doctor at least once a year.约有三分之二的成年人至少每年就医一次。Two thirds of the first generation of mill workers were women.制造厂最初的工人中三分之二是妇女。Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first hurdle and are packed off home.三分之二的候选人在第一个难关就败下阵来,只好打包回家了。Rent costs two-thirds of my paycheck.租金花掉我薪水的三分之二Two-thirds are married and one in eight cohabit.三分之二的人已婚,八分之一的人未婚同居。Two-thirds of councils are either coasting or performing poorly.三分之二的委员会不是在应付了事,就是工作表现极差。The governing party controls two-thirds of the parliament.执政党控制了议会的三分之二The company has slowed production and laid off two-thirds of its staff.公司减少了产量并解雇了三分之二的员工。Fowler was released after serving two-thirds of his sentence.福勒服满三分之二的刑期后被释放了。Two-thirds of inheritors promptly sold the houses they were left.三分之二的继承人会把他们继承得到的房产迅速变卖。Do not fill the container more than two-thirds full.灌入的量别超过容器总容量的三分之二Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town, deserted by two-thirds of its residents.据说摩加迪沙实际上是个鬼城,三分之二的居民已经离开了那里。His troops overran two-thirds of the country.他的部队占领了这个国家三分之二的土地。The rules say that we need a two-thirds majority to win.章程规定我们需要三分之二的多数才算获胜。The party has a two-thirds majority in Parliament.该党占据议会的三分之二多数。




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