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词汇 一间
例句 Most hostel tenants would prefer single to shared rooms.住在招待所的人大多更喜欢单人间,而不想和别人共住一间Katie had drawn a cottage with a little stream running next to it.凯蒂画了一间小茅舍,边上流淌着一条小溪。Was it just a figment of my imagination or did I hear John's voice in the other room?是我的想象还是我真听到了约翰在另一间房里说话?A faulty electric blanket sparked a fire in one of the bedrooms.不合格的电热毯导致其中的一间卧室起火。I have an office that I share with some other teachers.我有一间和其他老师合用的办公室。Where the path levels out you will find an old cottage.在路面变平坦的地方你会看到一间旧村舍。Each luxury home boasts an indoor pool and three-car garage.每一所豪华居室都拥有一个室内游泳池和一间可停放三辆汽车的车库。Dr Schwabe said he could find me a room either on the campus, or failing that, in a house nearby.施瓦贝博士说他能在校园里给我找间住房,如果找不到,那就在附近找一间They lived in a little hole-in-the-wall in a cheap apartment building.他们住在廉价公寓一间阴暗的斗室里。He has some fanciful notion about converting one room of his apartment into a gallery.他幻想把他公寓的一间房间改成画廊。I found a small flat in the student quarter.我在学生居住区找到一间小公寓。They kept a pied-a-terre in London for theatre evenings.他们在伦敦有一间临时小公寓,晚上看戏后可以使用。We reserved a hotel room.我们预订了一间酒店客房。We asked for a hotel room with a balcony.我们在酒店订了一间带阳台的房间。The house had a tiny kitchen with an uninspiring view.这房子有一间狭小的厨房,窗外也没什么特别的景色。A separate room is reserved for smokers.一间独立房间是留给吸烟者用的。I'm looking for a sublet since I'm only going to be here for the summer.我正在找一间转租房,因为我只打算在这里过暑期。Sam and I share a room.山姆和我合住一间房间。She's renting an apartment in that newish building on Harrison Avenue.她在哈里森大道上那处挺新的大楼里租了一间公寓。We ended up in a tastefully-appointed sitting room.我们最后到了一间装潢雅致的起居室里。The hotel features a beautiful dining room overlooking the lake.这家酒店特别设有一间俯瞰湖面的漂亮餐厅。The poor old man lived in a little wooden hut.那个可怜的老头住在一间小木屋里。A light snapped on in one of the huts.其中有一间小屋的灯亮了。Each overseas teacher was assigned a studio.每位外籍教师都分配到一间套房。We reserved a double room.我们订了一间双人房。They decided to knock the two rooms into one.他们决定把两间屋子打通连成一间He works in a cluttered studio that looks like a mechanic's garage.他在一间乱七八糟的工作室工作,那里看起来像机修工的车库。There is only one bathroom shared between eight bedrooms.八间卧室共用一间浴室。We converted the attic into a bedroom.我们把阁楼改成了一间卧室。It was just your basic, ordinary hotel room – nothing special.那只是一间最基本的、最普通的酒店客房 — 没什么特别之处。A room has been booked from September onwards. In the interim meetings will be held at my house.已经预订一间九月份起使用的房间。在此之前,会议在我家举行。I suggest we fit you up with an office suite.我建议我们给你配备一间办公套房。They hired a big hall.他们租了一间大厅。He showed me to a large, well-appointed room.他带我看了一间设施齐全的大房间。Jan found the professor in a small, untidy office.简在一间凌乱的小办公室里找到了教授。A hut was all the home he ever had.一间茅舍是他仅有的栖身之处。She lives in a palatial New York apartment.她住在纽约一间豪华的公寓套房里。With seven people squashed in one house, you don't get much privacy.七个人挤在一间房子里,想要独处不大可能。The patient was in a private room equipped with bathroom and TV.病人住在一间配有浴室和电视的私人病房。The corridor opened into a low smoky room.这条走廊通向一间烟雾弥漫的低矮房间。




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