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词汇 一辆车
例句 As I approached the house a car reversed out of the driveway and sped off down the road.当我走近房子时,一辆车从车道里倒了出来,沿着马路急驰而去。It wasn't her regular car; she'd had to borrow another car from the municipal car pool.这不是她平时开的那辆车;她不得已向市政车队借了一辆车Every car was stopped and searched, which caused intense annoyance to the drivers.一辆车都被拦下来搜查,引起了司机的强烈不满。They had stolen a car and wrecked it on the freeway.他们偷了一辆车,并在高速公路上把它撞毁了。She arranged for a car to pick us up at our house.她安排了一辆车到我们家接我们。Four of the dead had been travelling in the same car.四名死者同乘一辆车旅行。We all crammed into one car.我们全都挤进了一辆车里。We saw a huge vehicle sprinkling water on the street.我们看到一辆车在街上洒水。I turned around and saw that, out of the dust and the crowd, another car was pulling ahead to join us.我转过头看到,从飞扬的尘土和人堆里又有一辆车赶超上来加入我们的车阵。His was the only car there at this time of day.在一天中的这个时候,他的车是那里唯一的一辆车A car passed close by me.一辆车贴着我开了过去。There was a car parked on the driveway.车道上停有一辆车My truck is double-parked outside.我的卡车并排停在外面另一辆车旁。A car breaking down at rush hour could cause gridlock across half the city.在交通高峰时间,一辆车抛锚就可能使半个城市都陷入交通瘫痪。I know for certain that he has a car.我肯定知道他有一辆车Helen finally capitulated and let her son have a car.海伦最后作出让步,同意让儿子买一辆车Not a single vehicle passed, but after some time they heard the roar of planes taking off at the airfield.没有一辆车经过,但过了一会儿他们听到飞机从机场起飞的轰鸣声。A tree fell onto a car, trapping the people inside.一棵树倒落在一辆车上,把里面的人给困住了。He gets a percentage for every car he sells.他每卖出一辆车都可得到一定提成。A car cruised past us.一辆车缓慢地从我们身边驶过。I could see a car's headlights coming towards me.我看见一辆车的前灯离我越来越近。They heard the purr of another car in the distance.他们听到了远处另一辆车的隆隆声。Nowadays owning a car may appear to be a necessity, but in reality it isn't.现在有一辆车似乎是必不可少的,可实际上却不是这样。You really need a car to get about here.你在这里活动的确需要一辆车He had to stop when another car nipped in before him.当另一辆车子超到他前面时,他只好停车。The car pulled in and double-parked in front of the town hall.那辆车靠边后与另一辆车并排停在市政厅门前。All you told me was that he'd smashed up yet another car.你告诉我的事情就是他又撞毁了一辆车They admitted they had taken a vehicle on the spur of the moment.他们承认他们一时冲动开走了一辆车A hire car has to take a lot of punishment.租来的一辆车带来了诸多苦头。You know, we really ought to get another car.要知道,我们真的应该换一辆车了。We only met one other car on the road.我们在路上只碰到过一辆车A car pulled up at the dock.一辆车在码头边停了下来。A car pulled up and two men got out.一辆车停了下来,从里面出来两个男人。The other car was closing on us fast.一辆车迅速赶上了我们。Six in the car will be a tight squeeze.六个人坐一辆车会很挤的。We switched to another car, and the transfer only took a few minutes.我们换到另一辆车上,转移过程只用了几分钟。There was a car parked on the drive.车道上停着一辆车One possibility for the weekend is to rent a car and go to the beach.要度周末,一种可能是可以租一辆车去海滩。Their other car is a lot smaller than this one.他们的另一辆车比这辆小得多。Murray double-parked his car.默里将车并排停在一辆车旁边。




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