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词汇 一米
例句 The passage is only one meter in the clear.这过道内宽仅为一米One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the hatbox.一米布足以包裹住这个帽盒。Jones dived on the ball a metre from the line.琼斯在离球门线一米的地方向球扑去。Some eagles have a wing span of one and a half metres.有些鹰的翼展可达一米半。It's two and a half metres high and one metre wide.它有两米半高,一米宽。She's not very tall - about 1.4 metres, I'd say.她个子不是很高—我想大概一米四左右。The average U.K. coal seam is one metre thick.英国煤层的平均厚度为一米At the shallow end, the pool's less than one metre in depth.这水池浅的那一头不到一米深。A meter is equivalent to 39.37 inches.一米相当于三十九点三七英寸。It's wider by a metre.宽增加了一米




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