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Japan will have to do a deal with America on rice imports.日本将不得不与美国就大米的进口达成一笔交易。There were whispers that a deal was pending.有传言说即将达成一笔交易。She managed to engineer a deal.她成功地将一笔交易骗到手。Last week the government concluded a deal with farmers.上周政府与农民达成了一笔交易。After some tough bargaining, we finally agreed on a deal.经过艰苦的讨价还价,我们最终达成了一笔交易。McLaren are close to sealing a deal with Renault.麦克拉伦即将与雷诺达成一笔交易。There have been several close calls, but no one has been able to consummate a deal.有好几次死里逃生,却没有人做成一笔交易。Negotiators are confident they can wrap up a deal soon.谈判者确信他们将很快做成一笔交易。No one has been able to consummate a deal.没人能够完成一笔交易。Kingfisher confirmed that it hopes to tie up a deal within the next two weeks.翠丰集团证实,它希望在接下来的两周内谈妥一笔交易。They just closed a deal to take ownership of a new restaurant.他们刚刚达成一笔交易,获得了新餐馆的所有权。 |