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词汇 neutral
例句 The Constitution is not morally neutral but is based on certain central values.宪法不是道德上的中立,而是以某些中心价值观为基础的。The plant prefers a neutral or slightly acidic soil.这种植物更喜欢中性或略带酸性的土壤。Atoms consist of positively-charged protons, negatively-charged electrons and neutral particles called neutrons.原子由带正电的质子、带负电的电子和称为中子的不带电粒子组成。Clive decided to adopt a neutral position.克莱夫决定采取中立立场。Generally a calm neutral tone is the one you should adopt.通常你应该采用平静、不带感情色彩的语调。She tries to be a fair and neutral journalist.她努力成为一名公正的、政治中立的新闻工作者。Graham put the van in neutral and jumped out into the road.格雷厄姆把货车挂到空挡,自己跳到马路上。Pakistan wants to see neutral umpires in cricket.巴基斯坦希望在板球比赛中看到不偏不倚的裁判。The final will, of course, be played at a neutral ground. 决赛当然会在中立场地举行。Dolly kept her voice carefully neutral.多莉小心翼翼地使自己的声音不带任何感情色彩。You're not getting a neutral, unbiased view on this.在这个问题上你得不到一个中立的、没有偏见的观点。I always tried to remain neutral when they started arguing.他们争论起来的时候我总是努力保持中立。He put/left the car in neutral.他将车的排挡置于空挡。The water was of a pale, neutral color.这水是一片淡灰色。The arbitrator was absolutely neutral.这仲裁人完全不偏不倚。I'm strictly neutral. But strictly.我严守中立,一定严守。Switzerland remained neutral during World War II.第二次世界大战期间,瑞士保持中立。Graham put the car in neutral and jumped out into the road.格雷厄姆把车挂到空挡,然后从车上跳到公路上。To the Allies, Switzerland was a friendly neutral country.对所有同盟国来说,瑞士是一个友好的中立国家。The battle took place in neutral waters.战斗发生在中立国海域。It's a strictly neutral organization.这是个完全中立的组织。The negotiations will be held on neutral territory.谈判将在中立国的领土上举行。Since the job required that he be politically neutral, he had to sever his links with the Socialist Party.由于工作需要他在政治上保持中立,所以他不得不与社会党断绝联系。Those who had decided to remain neutral in the struggle now found themselves required to take sides.那些先前决定在争斗中保持中立的人现在发现他们需要表明立场了。At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey.地平线上的大片土地变成了绵延的浅灰色。You'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour.如果你选个中性颜色的帽子,戴的时间会更多一些。Mary suggests using a neutral lip pencil.玛丽建议用浅色唇线笔。Her voice remained neutral as she spoke.她说话时的声音仍然不带感情。He had departed from his prepared testimony, which was considered to be neutral.他已经背离了事先准备好的、被认为是中立的证词。The Russians took a broadly neutral position.俄罗斯采取了大体上中立的立场。For Britain, Switzerland was a useful and friendly neutral.对英国而言,瑞士是个有益且友好的中立国。We need somebody neutral to sort this out.我们需要个中立的人来解决这个问题。The meeting must be at a politically neutral location.这次会议必须在一个政治上中立的地点举行。The government maintained its strictly neutral policy.政府坚持了严格中立政策。He told her about the death, describing the events in as neutral a manner as he could.他告诉了她这次死亡事故的情况,描述经过时尽可能不掺杂个人感情。He pushed the handle into neutral.他将手柄扳到空挡。Let's meet on neutral territory.我们在中立国的领土上会面吧。The match will be played at a neutral venue.比赛将在中立方的赛场举行。They picked up momentum, then slipped into neutral and coasted quietly down the slope.他们先加大油门,接着切入空挡,悄无声息地滑下山坡。She chose fairly neutral make-up.她选择淡妆。




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