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Choose a shampoo that is adapted to your hair type.选择一款适合你发质的洗发水。The game is a simple sports sim.这是一款简单的模拟体育运动的电脑游戏。The company is trying to drum up demand for a new product.公司正在努力为一款新产品争取市场。It's a frame backpack with a belt and padded shoulder straps.这是一款带有支架的背包,配有可束在腰间的带子,肩带衬了软垫。She gifts a ferryman with a perfume that renders women powerless to resist him.她送给摆渡者一款让女人对他无法抗拒的香水。She's wearing one of her original fashion creations.她身着一款自己独创的时装。This Christmas sees the launch of a new games console.这个圣诞节会有一款新型游戏机上市。This is the company's most popular computer, but they also do a less expensive model.这是这家公司最畅销的电脑,不过他们还有一款较便宜的机型。Last year Asda joined the fray with a travel insurance policy.去年阿斯达公司凭借一款旅游保险产品加入了市场竞争。Virtual Listening Systems have introduced one of the year's most unusual and clever new products.虚拟听力系统引进了一款今年最不同凡响的、最巧妙的新产品。This is a top-of-the-range refrigerator.这是本系列中最好的一款电冰箱。A manufacturer negligently made and marketed a car with defective brakes.某厂家由于疏忽,制造并销售了一款刹车系统存在缺陷的汽车。This is the only cleaning product you'll ever need!这是唯一一款你需要的清洁产品。This month's offers include a shirt, trousers and bed covers.本月的特价商品包括一款衬衫、裤子和多种床罩。They produce a product that meets the customer's quality requirements.他们生产的一款产品符合客户对质量的要求。Later that year, IBM released a similar model at a lower price.那年晚些时候,国际商用机器公司发布了一款价格更为低廉的相似产品。The company unveiled a new product at the annual trade show this week.这家公司在本周的年度展销会上推出了一款新产品。I saw an advertisement for a new car on TV last night.昨晚我在电视上看到一款新车的广告。The company came out with an entirely new line of products last year, and their competitors never knew what hit them. 去年这家公司推出一款全新产品,令竞争对手猝不及防。He developed an alternative design for the new engine.他设计了一款非传统的新型发动机。Of all the cars on the market, this one is clearly the pick of the litter. 这一款无疑是市面上最好的车。The old software is still perfectly adequate for most tasks.这一款旧软件仍然足以应付大部分工作。It's a product built for safety.这是一款安全型产品。Jonathan Asbridge is working on a new design that fastens at the front.乔纳森·阿斯布里奇正在设计一款在正面扣上的新款服装。The Bora is a family car with a capacious boot.宝来是一款有着宽敞行李箱的家用轿车。The shop assistant sold me on a more expensive model than I wanted.店员说服我购买了一款比我原先想要的价格更高的样式。The advertisement is for a male fragrance.这则广告宣传的是一款男士香水。One of the new models has the facility to reproduce speech as well as text.新型号中有一款具备复读和文本复制的功能。The next year they brought out a low-priced car to compete with Ford.第二年他们推出了一款低价位车与福特车竞争。This is a low-end camera without the extra features of more expensive models.这是一款低档相机,没有其他昂贵机型具备的附加功能。The saleswoman tried to tempt us to buy a more expensive model.女售货员使劲怂恿我们买更贵的一款。My last car was just a bog-standard model.我的上一辆汽车不过是很普通的一款车。If you want a cellphone with style, this is the one for you.如果你想要一个别具一格的手机,这一款就适合你了。I've been pricing TVs and I know which one we should buy.我一直在比较电视价格,知道我们该买哪一款。The car cost more than I could afford, so I bought a cheaper model.这款车的价格超出了我的支付能力,所以我买了较便宜的一款。Fiat launched a new model last week.菲亚特公司上周推出一款新车型。That was a dandy of a game.那是一款非常酷的游戏。The company ensured that it had a commercially viable product which would appeal to children.该公司保证他们拥有一款既能吸引儿童又具有商业价值的产品。He's looking for a car with a lot of headroom.他在找一款车内净空大的车。The saleswoman tried to tempt us into buying a more expensive model.女售货员使劲怂恿我们买更贵的一款。 |