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词汇 一次会议
例句 If I could just make a suggestion - why don't we invite Andrew to our next meeting?如果我可以提个建议的话,我们何不邀请安德鲁参加我们的下一次会议In an attempt to clear the air, Mills has planned a meeting with employees to discuss the issue.为了消除分歧,米尔斯和员工安排了一次会议来讨论这个问题。Have your secretary set up a meeting for Thursday.让你的秘书在周四安排一次会议Each meeting is wrapped up with a speech from the manager.一次会议都以经理的讲话结束。I've scheduled a meeting for tomorrow. I hope everyone can attend.明天我安排了一次会议,希望每个人都能够出席。The corpse of the committee had a last meeting.那个寿终正寝的委员会开了最后一次会议They held a meeting to clear the air.他们召开了一次会议来消除误解。One session was held over until this evening.一次会议被推迟到今天晚上召开。Last May I went to a conference in Montreal.去年五月我去蒙特利尔参加一次会议The group holds bimonthly meetings in January, March, May, and so on.这个团体每两个月召开一次会议,分别在一月、三月、五月等,如此类推。He ended his letter with a reminder about the next meeting.他在信的结尾处对下一次会议作了提醒。I was asked to prepare a report for our next meeting.我应邀为我们下一次会议准备一份报告。The committee will hold another meeting Wednesday to discuss the funding crisis.星期三委员会将召开另一次会议来讨论资金紧缺的问题。We need to set up a meeting to discuss the proposals.我们需要安排一次会议来讨论这些建议。We elect the club's officers at the first meeting of each year.我们在每年的第一次会议上选举俱乐部官员。Every Friday there is a meeting at the factory where the workers can air their views and discuss problems.每个星期五工厂都召开一次会议,工人们可以各抒己见,一起来讨论问题。These and other issues will be discussed at the next meeting.这些问题以及另外一些问题将在下一次会议上讨论。In answer to your question, our next meeting will be on Friday.对你的问题的回答是,我们下一次会议将在星期五举行。I have to get up a talk for the club's next meeting.我得为俱乐部下一次会议上的讲话作好准备。At the last meeting, Mrs Williams was proposed by several members.在上一次会议上,威廉斯夫人得到了好几个人的提名。He cochaired a meeting with me.他和我共同主持一次会议A meeting was called to redraft the state budget proposal.为了重新起草国家财政预算提案而召开了一次会议John was elected the new president of the club and will take charge at the next meeting.约翰已当选为俱乐部的新会长,在下一次会议时将主持会务。I'm sorry that I missed the first meeting.很遗憾我错过了第一次会议A meeting was called, but the press was not admitted.召开了一次会议,但是不允许记者进入。Perhaps we can fix up a meeting for next week.也许我们下周可以安排一次会议This is likely to be the biggest conference so far.这很可能是迄今为止规模最大的一次会议了。The memo refers to a meeting in Los Angeles, where the future of the network was discussed.这份备忘录提及在洛杉矶的一次会议,会上讨论了网络的未来。A meeting was called to decide between the three candidates.召集了一次会议来决定在这三名候选人中选哪位。Mr Smith will preside at the next meeting.史密斯先生将主持下一次会议The matter will be taken up at the next meeting.这件事情将在下一次会议上处理。A meeting was arranged at the ambassador's request.应大使的要求安排了一次会议He proposed a second meeting as a sign of his good faith.他建议再举行一次会议,以表示他的诚意。The representatives almost came to blows at a meeting.代表们在一次会议上差点动起手来。We'll look at the proposals at the next meeting.一次会议我们要研究一下这些提议。A meeting was promised, but the Press was not admitted.承诺将召开一次会议,但是不允许记者到场。The inevitable conflict was merely postponed till the next meeting.冲突无法避免,只不过被推迟到了下一次会议的时候罢了。From here on out I'll come to every meeting, I promise.我保证从今以后每一次会议我都来参加。She attended one meeting only, if I remember rightly.如果我没有记错的话,她只参加了一次会议After the war, a convention was set up to frame a constitution.战后,为制定宪法组织了一次会议




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