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词汇 一桩
例句 It was a happy but childless marriage.这是一桩幸福的婚姻,就是没有孩子。I sense a scandal brewing up.我觉察出有人在制造一桩丑闻。It took the negotiators ten hours to nail down a deal.参加协商的人花了十个小时才敲定一桩生意。An accident played the mischief with his plans.一桩意外事故打乱了他的计划。The whole thing was a setup.整件事就是一桩栽赃。A Federal Court case had been fast tracked to Wednesday.联邦法庭的一桩案件提前到星期三审理。We should be cognizant of the fact that every complaint is not a justified complaint.我们应该认识到并非每一桩投诉都是合理的。It has been a fair old shock.这可真的是一桩旧事。Buying a house can be an exercise in frustration.买房子有时是一桩让人头疼的事情。She was involved in a seamy corruption scandal.她被卷入一桩龌龊的腐败丑闻中。These notes refer to the case of a teenage murderer.这些记录是有关一桩青少年谋杀犯的案子的。The children's singing was a joy to listen to.听孩子们唱歌是一桩乐事。Customs officers have bust up a major gun smuggling operation.海关官员破获了一桩重大枪支走私案。Ellis claims he is the victim of a conspiracy with a personal vendetta against him.埃利斯称自己是一桩对他报私仇阴谋的受害者。The office block was built as a speculative venture.这栋写字楼的建造是一桩投机生意。The conviction of their son's murderer gave them a sense of closure.杀害他们儿子的凶手被定罪让他们了却了一桩心愿。Driving a car is not child's play.开车并非是一桩轻而易举的事。That deal is a real plum for the contractor.对承包商来说那是一桩油水大的交易。For reasons beyond my comprehension, I was embroiled in a defamation lawsuit.不知为什么,我居然卷入了一桩妨害名誉的官司。Government accepted the whole affair to be an unfortunate accident.政府承认这整个事件是一桩不幸的意外。He managed to finesse a deal through bargaining.他施展巧计,通过讨价还价谈成了一桩生意。This is just the latest in a long line of such scandals.这只不过是一长串这类丑闻中最新的一桩罢了。It was then a hard nut to crack.在那时是一桩很棘手的事。It has, from all accounts, been a successful marriage.谁都说这是一桩美满的婚姻。The managing director of the bank was implicated in a fraud scandal.这家银行的总经理被卷入一桩欺诈丑闻。It was a crime motivated entirely by greed.这完全是一桩由贪念引发的犯罪。The corruption scandal has claimed yet another casualty: the Finance Minister, who was forced to resign last night.一桩腐败丑闻又有一人成了牺牲品:昨天晚上财政部长被迫辞职。A nasty surprise awaited them.一桩倒霉事等着他们呢。Her life was blighted by an unhappy marriage.她的一生被一桩不幸的婚姻所毁。The directors managed to secure a good deal for the company with a bit of subtle manoeuvring.董事们略施巧计,为公司赢得了一桩好买卖。Meyer's car was involved in a fatal accident on the freeway.迈耶的汽车涉入一桩致命的高速公路交通事故中。These men were brought to trial for a crime they did not commit.这些人因一桩他们并没有犯的罪行而被送上法庭。It is a risky undertaking.那是一桩冒险的事情。Washington is abuzz with rumors of a scandal.华盛顿被一桩丑闻的传言搞得闹哄哄的。There's another security scandal brewing up.一桩安全丑闻已渐露端倪。He got involved in a credit card scam.他卷入了一桩信用卡欺诈案。A scandal led to his resignation from office.一桩丑闻导致了他的辞职。One of his deals had just blown up in his face.他的一桩生意好端端地就告吹了。It was a barbarous crime.这是一桩灭绝人性的罪行。It was a scandal that damaged a lot of reputations.这是一桩使人名誉扫地的丑闻。




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