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He ran away from home and lived rough on the streets until the police helped him get into a hostel.他离家出走,露宿街头,直到警察把他送进一家收容所。The number of teenagers sleeping rough on the streets is on the increase.露宿街头的青少年人数有增无减。She's run away. She might be living rough.她跑掉了,有可能正露宿街头。He had been hiding out and sleeping rough.他一直都东躲西藏、露宿街头。Hundreds of homeless people have to sleep rough every night in London.伦敦每天晚上都有数以百计的无家可归者要露宿街头。Some vagrants have to sleep out even in winter.有些流浪汉甚至在冬天也只得露宿街头。When we ran out of money, we slept rough for a week.我们的钱花没了,一个星期都露宿街头。It makes me so sad when I see young people begging or sleeping rough on the streets.我看到年轻人沿街乞讨、露宿街头,心里会非常难过。He says he lives on the street by choice.他声称是自愿露宿街头的。Perelman slept on the streets and scrounged money.佩雷尔曼曾露宿街头并讨钱度日。These are kids who have slept rough.这些孩子曾经露宿街头。Those who do not have relatives to return to are left to wander the streets and sleep rough.举目无亲的人只好四处游荡,露宿街头。The paper showed a picture of homeless people sleeping on the streets with the caption underneath "the unacceptable face of capitalism".该报刊登了一幅无家可归者露宿街头的照片,照片下方的说明文字为“资本主义的黑暗面”。He has been sleeping rough in the streets to highlight the plight of the homeless.他一直露宿街头,以引起人们对无家可归者境况的关注。You'd think the government would be concerned about people sleeping rough, but they just don't want to know.你以为政府会关心露宿街头的人,可他们只视而不见。Many of the homeless have been sleeping out for years.许多无家可归者常年露宿街头。It's wrong that people should have to sleep on the streets.有人不得不露宿街头是让人无法接受的。There are homeless people sleeping on the streets in all weathers.不论晴雨都有无家可归的人露宿街头。It is hard to imagine what it is like to sleep rough at any time, but doubly so in the current freezing weather.无论何时,露宿街头的滋味都是难以想象的,更何况是在现在这么冷的天气下。There are thousands like him in Los Angeles, begging on the streets and sleeping rough.洛杉矶有数以千计像他这样的人,沿街乞讨,露宿街头。 |