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词汇 一时间
例句 For a moment shock held her immobile.一时间她因震惊而动弹不得。A buzz of excitement ran through the crowd.一时间群情激昂。For a moment he was blinded by tears.一时间泪水遮住了他的视线。For a moment, I was completely taken aback by her request.一时间我完全被她的要求给震住了。With the end of my love affair, I lost all the self-confidence I once had.恋爱告吹后,我一时间自信全无。I was surprised, embarrassed, and dismayed all at once.一时间感到吃惊、尴尬又沮丧。She just fell into my arms, clutching me tight for a moment.她正好跌进我的怀里,一时间紧紧地抓着我。For a second I thought you were my mother.一时间我还以为你是我母亲呢。I wondered for a moment if she'd found me out.一时间不知道她是否看穿了我。Getting up too suddenly made the room swim before her eyes.因为起身太猛,她一时间觉得整个房子似乎都在旋转。She was momentarily startled by the sight before her.一时间被眼前的景象吓了一跳。A sibilant murmuring briefly pervaded the room.一时间房间里充满了窃窃私语声。Suddenly Carmichael, the shy lead singer, was the focus of millions of young girls’ attention.一时间,卡迈克尔这腼腆的主唱歌手成了千万少女关注的焦点。I developed a temporary allergy to the company of couples.一时间很反感和情侣们在一起。He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape for a while.一时间他怔怔地望着周围的景物。He looked embarrassed for a moment, then quickly regained his poise.一时间显得尴尬,但很快又恢复了平静。For a second he thought about using his gun, but decided against it.一时间他想去拔枪,但又打消了这个念头。For a moment I thought you had a patch of grey hair, but it's just a trick of the light.一时间我以为你长了一撮白发,看来只是光线造成的错觉而已。Suddenly, she was swept along by the crowd.一时间,她被人群推搡着向前走。I thought for a moment that he was going to shoot.一时间我以为他要开枪。There was a shocked silence.一时间人们震惊得鸦雀无声。Waves of emotion flowed across his huge face.他那张大脸上一时间表情千变万化。Education reform seems to have become the flavor of the month among politicians.一时间,教育改革似乎已成为政治家们关注的焦点。For a moment it looked if Lilian Hawthorne would explode.一时间,莉莲·霍索恩似乎要大发雷霆了。She had me completely fooled for a moment.一时间完全骗倒了我。The assault was so unexpected that he was briefly stunned into submission.袭击来得非常突然,他一时间惊得毫无反抗能力。The scene was stunning, and for a time engrossed all our attention.景色非常美丽,一时间把我们都吸引住了。She was silent for a while, lost in thought, staring at the books littering the room.一时间她默不作声,直想得入了神,双眼直愣愣地盯着房间里扔得到处都是的书。There was a moment of excruciating silence.一时间安静得令人难以忍受。We were all struck dumb for a minute.一时间我们惊讶得哑口无言。The ball was bobbled momentarily, allowing Holloway to race home.一时间漏了,使得霍洛韦跑垒成功。It took him so much aback that for a moment he was lost for words.这使他惊讶不已,一时间竟说不出话来。Briefly, the hunter and his quarry glared at each other.一时间,猎手和他的猎物四目相对。The town has been hit by a flood of visitors since it was featured in the movie.小镇在这部电影中出现过之后,一时间游客络绎不绝。For a moment I thought I was having hallucinations.一时间我以为我产生了幻觉。He went on about his irresponsible behaviour, the dreadful effect it would have on his children and so on. It was all sackcloth and ashes.他接着又说到了自己不负责任的行为以及可能对孩子们造成的恶劣影响等等。一时间捶胸顿足,懊悔不已。There was a moment of panic in Britain as it became clear just how vulnerable the nation was.一时间,英国出现了大恐慌,因为人们清楚地看到了英国有多么不堪一击。Dozens of websites have sprung up to provide information for travelers.一时间冒出了许多为旅行人士提供信息的网站。The race was nip and tuck for a while.比赛一时间不相上下。He experienced a brief moment of panic.一时间感到惊慌。




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