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词汇 crawling
例句 The room was crawling with roaches and other vermin.屋子里爬满了蟑螂和其他害虫。There were bugs crawling all over the kitchen floor.虫子在厨房的地板上到处爬。There's an insect crawling up your leg!有只虫子在沿着你的腿往上爬!The whole place was crawling with cops.整个地方都挤满了警察。She was crawling around on all fours like a dog.她手脚并用,像狗一样爬来爬去。We sat in the car with the radio on, crawling along behind a long line of other cars.我们坐在汽车里开着收音机,跟在一条汽车长龙后面徐徐而行。The baby was crawling awkwardly on her hands and knees.这个小宝宝正用她的四肢笨拙地爬行。The pile of refuse was crawling with insects.垃圾堆上爬满了虫子。The courthouse is crawling with reporters today.法院今天挤满了记者。Ants were crawling over the cheese.蚂蚁在干酪上爬。Don't come crawling to me for help later if you aren't going to listen to me now.要是你现在不听我的话,以后可别觍着脸来求我帮忙。The platform was crawling with grey-green uniforms.月台上挤满了穿灰绿色制服的军人。The lawn was crawling with ants.草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。I had the feeling of something crawling across my foot.我感觉有东西正从我脚上爬过。After the bomb scare, the airport was crawling with police.收到炸弹恐吓后,机场布满了警察。I'd rather die than go crawling back to him.我宁愿死也不愿意向他卑躬屈膝。I suddenly felt an insect crawling up my leg.我忽然感到有一只虫子顺著我的腿往上爬。The traffic was crawling along.车辆在慢慢爬行。There's a spider crawling up the wall.墙上有一只蜘蛛在爬。He was arrested for kerb crawling.他因驾车沿街招妓而遭逮捕。We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge.我们沿着桥上狭窄的钢制格架往前爬。The floor was crawling with ants.地板上爬满了蚂蚁。There's a bug crawling up your leg.有只小虫子在你腿上往上爬。At this time of year the town is usually crawling with tourists.每年这个时候,镇上通常游客成群。Her baby is now crawling.她的宝宝现在会爬了。They're doing construction on the road, so traffic is crawling.他们正在修路,因此车辆行驶缓慢。They had not foreseen the higher inflation in France when most of Western Europe was crawling out of recession.当西欧的大多数国家正从经济衰退中缓慢复苏时,他们并没有预见到法国的通货膨胀率会升高。She lifted up the rock and found ants crawling underneath.她搬起石头,发现下面有蚂蚁爬来爬去。The bus was crawling along in the slow lane.公交车正在慢车道上缓慢行进。The place is crawling with celebrities.那地方遍地都是名人。Let's see who comes crawling to whom.我们来看看究竟是谁巴结谁。The lawns were crawling with worms.草地上爬着蚯蚓。Our hotel room was crawling with bugs and roaches.我们住的旅馆房间内满是臭虫和蟑螂。She came crawling out of a trap-door in the front of the stage.她从舞台前面地板上的活板门里爬了出来。This place is crawling with police.这个地方全是警察。We spent an hour crawling around on our hands and knees looking for the key.我们趴在地上找了一个小时的钥匙。The town was crawling with police.城里到处都是警察。He's gone crawling back to his old girlfriend.他又卑躬屈膝地去讨好前女友了。She's always crawling to the boss.她老是巴结老板。After his lottery win, several old friends came crawling out of the woodwork.他抽彩中奖后,他的几个老朋友突然冒了出来。




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