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词汇 一小笔钱
例句 My uncle left me a small sum of money when he died.我叔叔去世时留给我一小笔钱They managed to gouge a small fortune out of my father.他们设法在我父亲那里骗了一小笔钱For years my mother laid aside a small amount from every pay cheque.几年来我母亲每周都从工资中存下一小笔钱They have a little nest egg tucked away somewhere for a rainy day.他们把一小笔钱存在了什么地方,以备不时之需。They lost an insignificant amount of money.他们损失了一小笔钱She settled a small yearly sum on each of her children.她每年给她每个孩子一小笔钱We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgement of your help.为感谢你的帮助我们寄上一小笔钱We got the car for just pennies. 我们买这辆车只花了一小笔钱She sends a small remittance home to her parents each month.她每月寄回家一小笔钱给她父母。She put aside a small sum every week to pay for her annual holiday.她每周都存一小笔钱,留着每年出去度假时用。She left a small sum of money to her two granddaughters.她留下了一小笔钱给她的两个孙女。He had siphoned off a small fortune in aid money from the UN.他从联合国的救济金中挪走了一小笔钱She came into a bit of money when her grandfather died.祖父死后,她继承了一小笔钱The crop was sold for a pittance.那些庄稼只卖得一小笔钱He was paid a piddling amount of money.只付了一小笔钱给他。He had siphoned off a small fortune in aid money from the United Nations.他从联合国的救济金中非法挪走了一小笔钱He used to hive away a small sum every month.过去他每个月都要存起一小笔钱Each time you spend on your card, a small donation is made to a worthwhile cause.每次用卡消费的时候,就会有一小笔钱捐向一个有意义的事业。In his will, he had left all his children a small sum of money.他在遗嘱中给每个孩子留了一小笔钱




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