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词汇 一大群
例句 A horde of tourists entered the museum.一大群游客涌入了博物馆。Newcastle have a huge loyal fan base.纽卡斯尔队拥有一大群忠实球迷。The party was attended by the mayor and a large group of local worthies.参加聚会的有市长和一大群地方名流。A varied assemblage of birds was probing the mud for food.一大群各种各样的鸟在泥沼中觅食。Clouds of birds rose from the treetops.黑压压一大群鸟儿从树梢飞起。She was greeted by a large crowd of Labour Party supporters.她受到了一大群工党支持者的欢迎。As far as the eye could see, there stretched a great herd of buffalo.放眼望去,那里有一大群水牛。Who will organize the army of volunteers?谁会把这一大群志愿者组织起来?A large constellation of relatives and friends attended the funeral.一大群亲朋好友参加了葬礼。An angry multitude collected in the street.街道上聚集了一大群愤怒的人。The band has a large group of followers.这个乐队拥有一大群粉丝。A large, boisterous crowd poured into the bar, singing and shouting noisily.一大群闹哄哄的人拥进酒吧,大声地唱着叫着。A large crowd of reporters collected outside the prime minister's house.一大群记者聚集在首相府前。A thicket of reporters blocked the entrance to city hall.一大群记者堵住了市政厅的入口。An army of ants swarmed over the sand-hill.一大群蚂蚁在沙丘上爬动。A huge flock of red-wing blackbirds ascended from their nests along the side of the road.一大群红翅黑鹂从路旁的巢里飞起来。A plague of journalists descended on the town.一大群记者来到镇上。A mass of seagulls blackened the sky.一大群海鸥使天空暗了下来。A large group of demonstrators stayed up all night praying for reconciliation between the two countries.一大群游行示威人士整夜祈祷,祈求两国之间重修旧好。There's a whole group of friends he doesn't want you to meet.一大群朋友他都不想让你见。Mary has a whole brood of grandchildren.玛丽有一大群孙子孙女。Tom's sister came over on Saturday with all her offspring.汤姆的姐姐星期六带着她的一大群子女过来串门。He travelled with a huge retinue of servants.他带着一大群仆人旅行。Crowds of young girls jostled for attention outside the pop star's hotel room.一大群年轻女孩在歌星的酒店房间外争前抢后,试图引起注意。He has surrounded himself with a raft of advisers.他周围聚集了一大群顾问。Speaking in front of a large audience can be very intimidating.一大群听众面前讲话会使人很胆怯。A large and boisterous crowd attended the concert.一大群激情澎湃的观众聆听了这场音乐会。The singer was surrounded by a veritable army of reporters.那名歌手被一大群记者团团围住。A dark cloud of bees comes swarming out of the hive.黑压压的一大群蜜蜂从蜂巢中涌出。A host of friends met him at the railroad station.一大群朋友在火车站迎接他。Animals and carts moved along the dusty road with the throng of refugees.一大群难民赶着牲口、推着小车走在尘土飞扬的路上。I find it terrifying to be surrounded by large numbers of horses.我觉得被一大群马包围着很恐怖。The movie is a story about an attack on Earth by an army of alien monsters.这部电影讲述了一大群外星怪兽攻打地球的故事。We're not just a lot of old biddies going on about jam.我们不只是一大群唠唠叨叨地谈论果酱的老太婆。A passel of children waited in the hall.一大群孩子在大厅里等候。The band has a large and devoted following in Japan.这个乐队在日本有一大群忠实的粉丝。He gave a recital of his own poems before a large group of students.他在一大群学生面前朗诵了他自己写的诗歌。A throng of fans was waiting for the players to arrive.当时一大群粉丝正等着运动员们的到来。A large group of supporters have come to Robinson's defense.一大群支持者来为鲁宾逊作辩护。The singer was mobbed by adoring fans as he left his hotel.那个歌手离开饭店的时候被一大群崇拜他的歌迷团团围住。




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