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词汇 一团
例句 A cloud of black smoke blew over the city.一团黑烟吹过城市的上空。The people upstairs were making a great commotion.楼上的人正闹作一团Spike pulled deeply on the cigarette and then blew a warm cloud into the air.斯派克深吸了一口烟,接着向空气中吐出一团暖热的烟气。She collapsed in a heap on the floor.她在地上瘫作一团She spit a wad of gum into the trash.她把一团口香糖吐进了垃圾箱。He exhales a cloud of cigar smoke.他吐出一团雪茄烟雾。A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky.云是天空中的一团水汽。He screwed the paper into a ball.他把报纸揉成了一团The classroom was a hive of activity as the children prepared for the concert.孩子们在为音乐会做准备时,整个教室忙作一团A cloud of steam rose into the air.一团水蒸气升到空中。The woman staggered and collapsed in a heap.那个女人踉跄倒地,蜷作一团The kitten was playing with a ball of yarn.小猫正在玩一团线。A snowball struck him on the back of the head.一团雪球打中他的后脑勺。A spotlight threw a pool of violet light on the stage.聚光灯在舞台上洒下一团紫光。A cloud of carbon monoxide billowed out from the enclosed space.一团一氧化碳气体从密闭的空间翻涌而出。The soap and water formed a lather.肥皂和水混合形成了一团肥皂泡沫。A lollipop is a sweet on a stick.棒棒糖是一团裹在小棍上的糖。A dark cloud suddenly blotted out the sun.一团乌云突然遮住了太阳。I was combing my hair and it was just falling out in clumps.我梳头的时候,头发一团一团地往下掉。He felt a flush of anger.他感到心中一团怒火。The cat was curled up in a ball.那只猫蜷作一团We were jammed together shoulder to shoulder.我们肩靠肩紧紧挤成了一团Louise watched as the dollop of mashed potato fell onto her plate.路易丝看着一团马铃薯泥掉在了她的盘子上。He passed an electric spark through a mixture of gases.他让一束电火花穿过了一团混合气体。I stepped in some goop.我踩上一团黏糊糊的东西。The plot is an incoherent mess.那情节是一团毫无条理的乱麻。He had hair like tangled yellow string.他的头发像一团黄线一样乱蓬蓬的。She felt a flame of anger flicker and grow.她感到心中升起一团怒火。Both cars burst into flames on impact.两辆汽车撞在一起,顿时燃起一团熊熊烈焰。This string's in a tangle.绳子缠成了一团The room was a shambles after the party.聚会过后这个房间乱成了一团A feeling of doubt had been nagging at him ever since.从那以后他心里就有一团挥之不去的疑云。My stomach twisted into knots.我的胃扭成了一团The soured milk is strained through muslin to leave a soft ball of cheese.酸奶用平纹细布过滤后,剩下一团可以揉捏成形的软奶酪。There is a smouldering anger in the black community.在黑人社区里,人们的心中都揣着一团怒火。He was swabbing the little wound on my back with a wad of cotton soaked with cheap vodka.他用一团脱脂棉蘸满了便宜的伏特加酒,给我清理背上那处小伤口。The Germans balled themselves into one tight fist.德国人抱作一团,形成一个握紧的拳头。The front of the car had crumpled on impact.轿车前部因撞击叠成了一团She tumbled down the stairs and landed in a heap at the bottom.她从楼梯上滚下来,着地时蜷作一团A black plume of smoke rose above the city.一团黑烟在城市上空升腾。




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