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例句 As soon as she heard the telephone ring her spirits lifted.一听到电话铃响就立刻来了精神。His spirits rose at the good news.一听到这佳音他心情好转。When the sled dogs heard her crack the whip, they broke into a run.这些雪橇狗一听到她抽响鞭子就飞奔起来。They all ducked behind the mound as they heard the explosion.他们一听到爆炸声就都蹲到土丘的后面去了。I came just as soon as I heard the news.一听到这个消息就赶来了。The dog's ears pricked up at the soft sound.一听到这轻微的声音,狗的耳朵就竖了起来。On hearing the queer sound he cut the engine.一听到那奇怪的声响他就关掉了引擎。Following the attacks, he now jumps every time he hears a plane.袭击发生后,他现在一听到飞机的声音就会吓得跳起来。The sound of enemy planes struck terror into our hearts.一听到敌机的声音,我们就胆战心惊。He pricked up his ears at the sound of his father's voice.一听到他父亲的声音耳朵就竖了起来。On hearing the soft footsteps outside her room, she was seized with panic.一听到门外有轻轻的脚步声,她惊慌失措。Upon hearing the good news he beamed with joy.一听到这个好消息,他高兴得眉开眼笑。On hearing the news, her face clouded over.一听到这消息,她的脸上顿生愁云。The kids go ape whenever they hear that song.只要一听到那首歌,孩子们就会变得手舞足蹈The sled dogs are trained to run when they hear the whip crack.这些雪橇狗被训练得一听到挥鞭声就跑。When she heard the news she immediately jumped on a plane to France.一听到这个消息,她立刻搭乘飞机飞往法国。As soon as they heard the siren, they ran for it.他们一听到警报声就奔逃躲避。On hearing the news, she was on pins and needles.一听到那消息,她就坐立不安。I did a mick as soon as I heard the doorbell go.一听到门铃响就溜掉了。Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to drool at the sound of a bell.巴甫洛夫的狗一听到铃声就会习惯性地流口水。She flew off home as soon as she heard of the accident.一听到出了事故就飞也似地赶回家。I'm a light sleeper - so I woke up as soon as I heard him come in.我睡得不沉,所以一听到他进来我就醒了。He jumped with joy on hearing the news.一听到这个消息就高兴得跳了起来。Adam jumped from his seat at the girl's cry.亚当一听到那女孩的哭声,就飞快地从座位上站了起来。On hearing the bad news, he dissolved in tears.一听到那坏消息,他泪流满面地哭起来。The farmer got up as soon as he heard the first cockcrow.一听到第一声公鸡的啼叫这位农民就起床了。I will always think of you when I hear this song.一听到这首歌就会想起你。He swung around at the sound of her voice and smiled at her.一听到她的声音便转过身来向她微笑。Hearing the sad news, he felt the tears shooting from his eyes.一听到令人伤心的消息,他就感到泪水从眼中涌了出来。I've trained the dog to come to me with a snap of my fingers.这条狗经过我训练,一听到我打响指就会过来。Barry gets easily offended by comments about his parents’ divorce.一听到有人议论他父母离婚的事,巴里就会生气。She flew to the window when she heard the car.一听到汽车声就飞奔到了窗前。Don't let bad news get you down.一听到坏消息就垂头丧气。She bristled with anger at the mention of his name.一听到他的名字便气得毛发倒竖。As soon as he heard the gossip, he lost no time in spreading it round the office.一听到这个流言,就马上在办公室里四处散播。Martha used to get too distressed hearing Anna scream out.玛莎过去一听到安娜喊叫就会觉得十分痛苦。As soon as she heard the starting gun, she took off running.一听到发令枪响就起跑了。We hit the dirt the moment we heard the machine-gun fire.我们一听到机枪声立刻卧倒。They ran off as soon as they heard the police car coming.他们一听到警车来就赶紧逃跑。She quavered at the drop of his name.一听到他名字就发抖。




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