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词汇 一卷
例句 You'll have to start a new roll of tape. This one's empty.你得启用新带子了,这一卷用完了。I need to get some more film; this is my last roll.我还需要些胶卷,这是最后一卷了。She ran her eye over the rolls of brightly-coloured cloth displayed on the stall.她打量着摊位上陈列的一卷卷色彩鲜艳的布料。Each volume is tooled in colours of red and gold.一卷书的封面都用红、金两色套印。Each volume is bound in bright-coloured cloth.一卷都采用色彩亮丽的布面装帧。I always roll my clothes when I pack.我收拾行李时,总是把衣物卷成一卷He plucked a couple of plastic bags from the roll.他从那一卷里面扯下几个塑料袋。I am anxiously awaiting the release of the next volume.我正在热切盼望下一卷的发行。There's a new roll of silver foil in there.里面有一卷新铝箔。Open the door wide and wedge it with a wad of newspaper.把门开大,再用一卷报纸把它楔牢。I'll buy a faster film for my camera.我要买一卷快速软片。My camera is loaded with a colour film.我的相机里装着一卷彩色胶卷。While we were admiring the rugs, the shopkeeper started to unroll a splendid carpet.我们在欣赏小地毯的时候,店主开始铺开一卷华丽的大地毯。His important writings are distilled into one volume.他的重要著作已精选汇编成一卷He swiped at the wasp with a rolled-up newspaper.他挥起一卷报纸打那只黄蜂。Volumes of the great works of literature line the shelves.书架上排列着一卷卷文学巨著。The photographer shot the usual roll of pictures.摄影师拍摄了一卷普通的照片。Each volume is bound in red cloth.一卷都采用红色的布面装帧。He had found a drum of electric cable.他发现了一卷电缆。We await the next volume of this superb edition with keen anticipation.我们殷切期盼着这本精装版下一卷的面世。




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