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例句 It will be a long, hard slog before everything is back to normal.要艰苦工作很长一段时间,一切才能恢复正常。Cut the dough in half and shape each half into a loaf.将生面团一切为二,再分别揉成长条形。"Don't you worry about a thing. Everything's going to be just fine," smiled Robin reassuringly.“别担心,一切都会很好的,”罗宾微笑着安慰道。By rights the Social Democrats ought to be the favourites in the election. But nothing looks less certain.社会民主党按理应该最有希望赢得这次选举,但一切从未如此不确定过。Now that his wife's gone, he's all on his own.妻子没了,他一切都要靠自己了。Please don't trouble to write everything down.不用费力气把一切都写下来。I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that everything was going to be okay.当时我确凿地知道,一切都会好起来的。She learnt up all she could about the district.她尽其所能熟悉了这个地区的一切It had all seemed so simple when they'd talked it through, so logical.等他们把问题说清楚了才发现原来一切如此简单、如此合乎常理。They need every scrap of information they can get.他们需要一切可以获得的信息。I made a name for myself and I was on a roll, I couldn't see anything going wrong.我靠自己的能力成名了,接二连三地获得成功,我觉得一切似乎一帆风顺。If all goes according to plan, the first concert will be Tuesday evening.如果一切都按计划进行的话,第一场音乐会将在星期二晚上举行。That was kids' stuff compared with what lies ahead.和将要发生的一切相比,那算不了什么。Suddenly, Jason burst into tears and poured out his heart, telling his mother all about everything.杰森突然哭了,说出了心里话,把一切都告诉了母亲。I can hardly begin to thank you for all you've done.对于你所做的一切,我万分感激。Nothing seems certain in this crucial period in Pakistan's political life.在巴基斯坦政治历史上的这个紧要关头,一切皆非定数。I called my dad and told him what has happened. He sounded really angry.我打电话给我爸爸告诉他发生的一切,他似乎大为光火。They talked nineteen to the dozen about all they had done in that time.他们喋喋不休地谈著那段时间里他们所做过的一切Unfortunately, everything is being done piecemeal.遗憾的是,所有的一切都零零星星地进行。This time we're taking no chances. Everything will be planned down to the last detail.这次我们不冒险了,一切都将作好周密的安排。When I think back to how it all started, I'm amazed.我回忆起那一切是怎么开始的,真是大吃一惊。If he could get a job it'd be the answer to all his worries.如果他能找到一份工作,他的一切烦恼就都化解了。She hinted darkly that all was not well.她悲观地暗示并非一切都顺利。Don't take everything he says so seriously.别把他说的一切都这么当回事儿。I love him. He is everything to me.我爱他,他是我的一切Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。The new government is trying to put things right.新政府正在努力使一切步入正轨。So far, everything is on schedule. 到目前为止,一切都按计划进行。Against all the odds, he recovered.他克服一切不利病况康复了。Don't worry. Everything will be OK. 别担心。一切都会好的。Her son is everything to her.儿子是她最重要的一切His narrow-minded, backward-looking views represent everything I dislike about this country.他狭隘的思想和落后的观念集中体现了这个国家一切我不喜欢的方面。We were going to get married, but then war broke out and spoiled everything.我们正打算结婚,可是战争爆发,把一切都打乱了。The news did nothing to shake my belief that things will be okay.这个消息并没有动摇我一切都会好起来的信念。In their world politics dominates everything.在他们的世界里,政治主宰一切I don't understand how he can say that everything's fine when it's so obvious that it's not.我不明白他为什么要说一切都很好,实际情况显然并非如此。Finally the letter of appointment came, making it all official.最后任命书下来了,一切都变得正式了。The ministers dispensed with all preliminaries and opened their discussions immediately.部长们免去了开始前的一切客套,立即开始讨论。In all likelihood everything will go to plan.一切几乎肯定会按计划进行。Before clarifying anything I have to meet with the directors.在讲明一切之前我必须和俱乐部高层进行会谈。




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