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词汇 一分钱
例句 That stingy man won't contribute a cent.那个吝啬鬼一分钱也不肯捐助。My father was a mean old man who resented every penny he spent on us.我父亲是个吝啬的老头,花在我们身上的每一分钱他都很不情愿。It can no doubt be fairly argued that Sir John, whose pay is linked to performance, is entitled to every penny.毋庸置疑,既然约翰爵士的薪水是与业绩挂钩的,他的每一分钱都是理所应得的。Going to college was worth every penny.上大学花的每一分钱都值得。It is inexcusable that the government has never paid a cent to the widows of these brave men.政府从未给这些勇士的遗孀发一分钱,这是不可宽恕的。Luckily I was insured, so the treatment didn't cost anything.幸亏我买了保险,所以这次治疗不费一分钱I'm stony / stone broke at the moment.我现在一分钱都没有。It won't cost you anything—zero, nothing, nada.这不需要你花钱,一分钱都不要。I would not pay one red cent for that car. 我不会为那辆车花一分钱Just as a footnote, it is worth saying that the whole project didn't cost local taxpayers a single penny.仅仅补充提一下,有必要指出的是,整个项目没有花当地纳税人一分钱The International Monetary Fund should not lend another cent until the government has a credible strategy.在该国政府拿出切实可行的策略之前,国际货币基金组织不应该再借给它一分钱The repairs were made at no expense to us. 此次维修没有花我们一分钱He occupies the house without paying any rent.他住在这幢房子里,没有付一分钱房租。You won't get a penny out of Jack – he's very close with his money.你别想从杰克那里得到一分钱,他这人对钱吝啬得很。They didn't charge me a penny. 他们没有收我一分钱Her mother used to keep track of every penny she spent.她母亲从前把自己所花的每一分钱都记下来。Unhappily for Berkowitz, he never got a penny.可悲的是,伯科威茨从来没得到一分钱I wouldn't give a penny for that old bike!我不会为那辆旧自行车花一分钱It's nice to travel with expenses paid by your employers, at no cost to yourself.自己不花一分钱,全由雇主掏腰包,这样的旅行可真妙!I didn't have any money on me.我身上一分钱也没有。He says he'll sit there until hell freezes over before he'll pay them even one penny.他说他宁可一直坐在那里,一分钱也不会付给他们。He'll try to bleed them for every penny he can get.他会想办法榨尽他们的每一分钱The miserable old curmudgeon would begrudge giving a penny to a starving man.这个可恶的老守财奴连给饥饿的人一分钱都舍不得。If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn't pay my taxes at all.如果我认为逃税可以不受处罚的话,我就干脆一分钱都不交了。He'd raked together every pfennig of reserve capital from friends.他挨个儿从朋友那里把他们存下的每一分钱都搜罗来了。Improvements have been made at no cost to taxpayers.没花纳税人一分钱,情况就有了改善。It won't cost you a penny for the first six months.开始的六个月你不用花一分钱She plotted taking him to the cleaners for every cent he had.她密谋骗光了他的每一分钱We know full well that Congress will spend every penny.我们非常清楚国会会把每一分钱都花光。They eked out the months penny by penny.他们一分钱一分钱算计着捱过那几个月。In her will, she cut off her son without a cent/penny.她在遗嘱中没有给儿子留下一分钱Here I am at a crummy hotel with no clean clothes, no money and suffering from shock. What a life!我如今身在一家破旧的旅馆里,没有干净衣服,没有一分钱,又惊魂未定。这是什么日子啊!Nothing will be spent until he has made sure the money is there to pay for it.他在确保有钱付账之前不会花一分钱I haven't any money.一分钱也没有。Admitted to Mills College on a full scholarship, she graduated Phi Beta Kappa without a penny of help from her parents.她以全额奖学金被米尔斯学院录取后,又以优等生的荣誉毕了业,没有靠父母一分钱的帮助。The law doesn't allow him to touch any of the money.法律不允许他动用一分钱He failed to patent his invention and never made any money from it.他没能为自己的发明申请到专利,因而从中没赚到过一分钱He hasn't any money at all.一分钱也没有。I don't have any money left.一分钱都没有了。Uncle Matt was really cheap - he used to stay with us for weeks, and he never paid for anything.马特叔叔真吝啬,以前他在我们家一待就是几个星期,却从不肯出一分钱




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