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It's not a thing, Beauchamp. It's a human being!比彻姆,那不是一件东西,是一个人!Fashion editors drooled over every item.时尚编辑们兴奋地注视着每一件东西。This was the first object placed in the heavens by the Creator.这是上帝安放在天堂里的第一件东西。Everything had been stitched by Molly's nimble fingers.每一件东西都是莫莉灵巧的双手缝制出来的。We wanted to create something that both deaf and hearing audiences could enjoy.他想创造一件东西让不论耳聋还是听力正常的人都能享受。We can only squeeze one more thing into the bag.我们往这个包里只能再塞一件东西了。 |