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词汇 一个男孩
例句 A boy might live in a minus neighborhood but not be a delinquent.一个男孩子可以生活在一个差劲的街坊而不沦为罪犯。The room's sole occupants were the boy and a big hound.这个房间里只住著一个男孩和一条大猎狗。A boy was carrying a stick across his shoulders with a pail of water at each end.一个男孩用棍棒挑着两桶水。One boy, who shall remain nameless, has been late every day this week.一个男孩本周每天都迟到,这里就不说他的名字了。A few punches were thrown, and then one boy butted the other before a teacher broke up the fight.两人先挥了几拳,接着一个男孩用头顶了另一个,随后老师把他们拉开了。One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.其中一个男孩不得不由佩戴呼吸器的消防员救出。He saw a boy thieving at school today.他今天看到一个男孩在学校行窃。One boy crashed into him and knocked him over.一个男孩撞过来,把他撞倒在地上。A boy was injured yesterday when part of a wall fell down near to where he was playing.昨天一堵墙倒在一个男孩玩耍处附近,男孩受了伤。On the way out a boy came up on roller skates.出去时一个男孩踩着溜冰鞋滑了过来。Listen, you jerk. A boy almost got killed just now.听着,笨蛋。一个男孩刚才差点丧命。A boy was planing down an oblong piece of teak.一个男孩正在用刨子刨一块矩形柚木。There was some pisser of a movie about a boy and his dog on TV last night.昨晚电视上有一部很差的电影,是关于一个男孩和他的狗的。I received some letters from a boy who wants to be a penfriend or something of that nature.我收到一个男孩寄来的几封信,说想和我做笔友或建立诸如此类的关系。One of the boys tripped over and crashed into a tree.其中一个男孩绊了一跤,撞上一棵树。One boy was slouched down in his chair, with a baseball cap almost covering his eyes.一个男孩垂着头坐在椅子上,一顶棒球帽几乎盖住了他的眼睛。One of the boys distracted her while the other picked her pocket.其中一个男孩转移她的注意力,另一个偷她的东西。He was worsted in a fight with a bigger boy.他跟个子大一些的一个男孩打了一架,结果输得狼狈不堪。One of the boys has a freckle on his cheek. Otherwise, the twins are nearly identical.其中一个男孩脸上有个雀斑。除此之外,这对双胞胎几乎长得一模一样。A boy was caught trying to stow away on a plane.一个男孩想偷乘飞机被抓住。A boy threw the ball back to the players.一个男孩把球掷还给球员。A young boy climbed into the apple tree and shook the branches so that the fruit fell down.一个男孩爬上苹果树,用力摇着枝条好让苹果掉下来。Ben got into a fight with another boy.本跟另一个男孩打了起来。One of the boys kept laughing, which annoyed Jane intensely.其中一个男孩不停地笑,这大大地惹恼了简。The magician palmed the coin and suddenly produced it from a boy's ear.魔术师把硬币藏在掌中,然后突然从一个男孩的耳朵里把它变了出来。One of the boys hit him in the face, and he gasped with pain.一个男孩打在他脸上,他痛得吸了一口气。She is playing chess with some boy.她在和一个男孩下棋。One of the boys mooned at the crowd.其中一个男孩弯腰朝人群露出屁股。A boy ran by and goosed her.一个男孩在她身边跑过去时戳了一下她的屁股。There was a momentary silence, then one boy hesitantly raised his hand.大家沉默了片刻,然后一个男孩犹豫不决地举起了手。The next letter announced the birth of another boy.下一封信通知又一个男孩出生了。One boy alone can do this work.只要一个男孩子就能做这工作了。With my hair cut short, I could have passed for a boy.我要是把头发剪短,或许会被当作是一个男孩Her father betrothed her very early to a boy.她父亲在她年幼时就把她许配给一个男孩A boy showed us the way to town.一个男孩给我们指点了进城的路。A boy escaped unhurt when the fire in his room exploded.一个男孩当大火在他房内引发爆炸时逃了出来,毫发无伤。One of the boys mooned the crowd.其中一个男孩弯腰朝人群露出屁股。They have two girls and a boy.他们有两个女孩和一个男孩




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