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Tom said rather optimistically that we could finish the job in a day or two.汤姆以相当乐观的口气说道,我们在一两天之内能完成此项工作。I'd had one or two stiffeners before I went up to see him.我去看他之前喝了一两杯酒壮胆。The stew normally tastes better with a pinch or two of dried herbs.炖煮的菜肴里加一两撮干香草通常味道会更佳。The skirts were shortened an inch or two.这些裙子被改短了一两英寸。I usually have a pint or two at my local on Friday nights.星期五晚上我通常在邻近的小酒馆里喝上一两品脱。I usually have a drink or two after work, but I don't think I'm an alcoholic.下班后我通常喝一两杯酒,但我不认为自己是酒鬼。We got an early-/mid-/late-afternoon flight.我们乘坐的是下午一两/三四/五六点钟的飞机。All the victims were in dire straits, and it seemed one or two could not last much longer.所有的受害者都岌岌可危,其中一两人似乎支撑不了多久了。There were only one or two serious allegations of malpractice.只有一两起有关营私舞弊的严重指控。I'd hoped that after a glass or two of wine she might unbend a little.我曾希望一两杯酒下肚后她可能会放松一点儿。 |