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词汇 一丝
例句 Once or twice she had caught a flash of interest in William's eyes.有那么一两次,她发现威廉的眼睛里流露出一丝感兴趣的神色。A faintly amused grin appeared on her face.她的脸上露出一丝愉悦的微笑。A sliver of light peeked through the curtains.一丝亮光透过窗帘照了进来。There's a smack of condescension in the book's tone.这本书里透着一丝高人一等的语气。There was no movement in the house, not even a twitch of the curtains.房子里没有一丝动静,连窗帘都没有掀动一下。There is no sunset however beautiful, no joke however funny, no movie, no meal that I can enjoy only by myself.如果我孤独一人,那么无论看到多么美丽的日落,听到多么好笑的笑话,看任何电影,品任何佳肴,我都不会有一丝感觉。She saw a flicker of doubt in his eyes.她看到他的眼里闪过一丝怀疑。There was a tinge of condescension in her greeting.她的问候中带着一丝傲慢。His face was unmoved, but on his lips there was a trace of displeasure.他脸上没有丝毫表情,但嘴角流露出一丝不悦。The drink left a bitter taste in his mouth.饮料在他口中留下一丝苦味。His eyes glittered with a tense amusement.他眼里流露出一丝紧张和愉悦。There was just a chink of doubt in his mind.他的心头掠过一丝疑虑。He managed a weary smile.他勉强挤出了一丝疲倦的笑容。He replied, a touch of irritability in his tone.他作出了回答,语气里透着一丝烦躁。I saw a tiny ray of recognition in his eyes.我从他眼中看到一丝赞赏之意。He had a silly smile plastered on his face. 他的脸上挂着一丝傻笑。A look of utter confusion swept across his handsome face.他英俊的脸上掠过一丝大惑不解的神情。A faint smile flickered across her face.一丝淡淡的笑意在她脸上掠过。She forced a bitter laugh.她勉强挤出一丝苦笑。He permitted a slight smile to riffle his façade.他总算让自己铁板的脸上露出一丝隐笑。He's a perfectionist - everything has to be just so.他是个完美主义者——一切都必须是一丝不乱的。I'm struggling to retain any vestige of belief in his innocence.我竭力保留一丝坚信他无辜的信念。There was a hint of spring in the air.空气中弥漫着一丝春天的气息。There was a tinge of sadness in her voice.她的声音里带着一丝悲哀。There was a faint flush of red on those pale cheeks.苍白的面颊上有一丝淡淡的红晕。He struggled to retain a shred of his dignity.他极力保持自己的一丝尊严。He allowed the odd fleeting suggestion of a smile to lighten his granite features.他露出一丝古怪的、转瞬即逝的微笑,刚毅的面容变得柔和起来。Even Oliver felt a tiny spark of excitement.甚至连奥利弗都感到了一丝兴奋。A trace of hesitancy showed in Dr. Stockton's eyes.斯托克顿医生的眼里流露出一丝犹豫。Zoe felt horribly anxious but managed to force a strained smile.佐薇感到极其焦虑不安,但尽力挤出一丝勉强的微笑。The frosted windows let in a weak light.磨砂玻璃窗透进一丝微弱的光线来。There are no ruffles on his pond.他的池塘里没有一丝涟漪。There's a triumphant note in his gravelly voice.他低沉沙哑的声音中透露出一丝洋洋得意。Her skin was still without a wrinkle.她的皮肤仍旧没有一丝皱纹。A flicker of guilt crossed his face.他脸上闪过一丝愧意。Was there a glint of mockery in his eyes?.他的眼里是不是闪过一丝讥讽?There was just a touch of frost in the air.空气中略有一丝寒意。A wry smile crept over his face.他脸上露出一丝苦笑。I could hear a tremble in her voice.我能听出她嗓音里有一丝颤抖。The boat sank without a trace.那艘船沉没了,没有留下一丝踪迹。




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