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With the spreading of Zen Buddhism, tea drinking became popular practices around Tiantai Mountains area.与此同时,喝茶之风随着禅宗的流传,在天台山弥漫开来。She became interested in Zen Buddhism.她对禅宗佛教产生了兴趣。Zen Mountain offers numerous wilderness retreats.禅山有许多人迹罕至的静修之处。A monk named Kashyapa is regarded as the founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism.一位名叫迦叶的和尚被认为是佛教禅宗派的创始人。Among the scribbles in my travel notebook I find an attempt at a Zen poem.在我胡乱写下的游记里,有一首仿禅诗。 |